Monday, July 9, 2012

at 07:55

Amsterdam July Day!

A helicopter sound hovering above as I start writing. I am seated on the grass in lotus, relaxing on this warm day, at my favorite spot in the Vondelpark, in front of a fountain. I once wrote a poem here called"Where are you Madonna?" Somehow the place has a fresh and clear atmosphere. The fountain bringing refreshment on hot days. I had to think of Madonna for some reason.  Maybe because of  her avant-gardism and her innovative always changing music and shows.

Amsterdam is quiet. Everybody is out of the city for holidays. So it is a this moment a tranquil summer city. Not too busy. I am slowly thinking of going to Paris for a couple of days. Not yet. I'll wait till the masses comes back.

Lots of foreign languages to be heard around me. Lots of relaxing tourists and a couple of moneymakers selling beer and other goods.

There is still a little bit of old Amsterdam alive. Just enough for me to continue my stay upon the city which used to harbor runaways from all over the planet.

Streaming water is heard. Voices all around. The Sun is out. The Sun is warm. I am in a slight thunder inside, as well as relaxing and enjoying.

There are some clouds above. Not many. Beautiful ones.

I imagine chisels above the landscape handled by God, day in, day out,  carving them into the most amazing shapes. That's what I think. I always see God in every natural creation. He is busy day and night, night and day, all the time for us to enjoy, for us to notice, for us to see.

I am thinking of my new song and Duke Ellington. His rhythm is the same as mine often. I don't know how this is possible. My song is slowly maturing.

I just started piano, not so long ago. Piano is so easy. Piano seems natural. Piano is a revelation. I am already thinking of selling my 49-niner for a grand keyboard. I miss the extra keys. I never thought I would like it so much.

At the moment not a worry in the world. My enemies just disappear as blocks of ice upon the hot Sun. Nobody even dares confront me. They know I am right. They know I am always right. So not much to say.

Sometimes I am disappointed. Sometimes I am happy. It's just what's next. It's just to find the right music. See where I go from there. Most important is that I get my first song out in years. It's strange to be busy with music again. I love it.

A pigeon of peace walks my way. I have nothing to offer it. I have nothing to give it. It just looks at me in a friendly way. Animals are so peaceful when one is peaceful.

The European soccer cup finished yesterday. As I said I would only look one match if Germany, France or England! where in the final. So I didn't even bother. It was Spain against Italy and Spain won. That is an achievement. They usually are not so good in national football as opposed to club football as is England. This has changed only in recent years.

Across me is the fresh sound of water heard, falling upon the water. A fountain, singing voices, voices and some distant murmuring. Happiness on this warm day. Happiness on this July day!

That was it from me signing off with a picture. A duck family!

A duck family!

Mobile entry for Fb (02-07-2012)

Alright folks! Life is a mystery, just as the evening slowly sets in, here in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Lately I am off the chart. Feeling really good. It's thanks to a beautiful lady I have found. Nothing goes beyond some feminine attention. Guys, don't forget it. The truth is something holly.

Well, as I said I will only look one football match this European championship, if Germany or France or England! are in the final. Looks like it's gonna be Germany. Italy too is through! I haven't checked if that is a possible final. So I will probably be looking one single match, the final. I am happy the Netherlands is out. The craze around it, really sucks.

My next song will be dedicated to a very soft lady, having found refuge around here. The name is still a kept secret for the song!

At the moment I am playing some piano. I shouldn't exaggerate, not often enough. I have so many ideas when it comes to music, more in the experimental department. Some complain that it ain't music but Art! Well, we will see.

I tend to be pictural and love expression and effects. I am reminded of a beautiful album from Miles Davis for some film music he did in the fifties.

I got to look it up on Youtube if I can find it.

Nobody plays the trumpet like he does. I guess its 'cos of its singing quality. An unending melody and movement! You can hear it, you can see it. Something like that. I love old Jazz. I am always reminded of a ladder and a dark boozed out Sunday morning, well, something like that.

So as I end my day with some relaxation I am but led to more thoughts and ideas and intrigues in life, intrigues of the inner and its composition with the outer. The physical versus the metaphysical, the physical versus the human possibilities. The physical versus our innate capabilities and restrictions, which are not as a matter of fact!

Well, folks, that was it from me signing off with a song. It's the one and only Miles Davis! A musician.

Don't forget to enjoy your day wherever you are comin' from. Don't forget to create the impossible. Don't forget that the mind is just a barrier. Your memories are just memories. Move forward. The past is just a hinder, a gallop never there, a hinge of yesterday. Don't forget being on earth is one in a life-time experience. Yeah!

Fb 25-06-2012

Hello guys, women, babes and alike. Am having a cold beer (a brown one) to finish off the day. I am quite busy on piano. Amazing instrument. It has awoken the musician in me again! I love to write, to write on music, on many things, on almost any topic in the world! Am not socializing much on Fb. Know that you are all in my heart. Seriously! It's great having some friends around the world! And yes I will meet some of you! I really would want to.

Together we can change the course of history. Well, at least influence it. Don't forget we are part of the world and our influence is much more significant than you think. Lots of Fb'ers have a lot of brain. Let's not waste it in negativity, all that, that is not good. Don't forget all of us our blessed with the Universe in us. It is a great gift and a precarious one to carry. Let's call it God.

For music to be good it needs to be pure. It requires a lot of practice and one has to be able to sing what one composes and improvises in the moment. It requires to be in tune with existence and to add our part to it. Singers are an other thing. It is an extra gift only given to those who are completely in tune. It is a blessing from God.

At this moment I have just come back from a meditation. This too has helped me get through some difficult times to stay pure. As pure as one can stay. It is also work in a certain way. A discipline that brings out the madness of the world.

My window is wide open and I can hear the sounds of Amsterdam city through it. The problem with Amsterdam is that it has changed so much in the last 20 years that it is almost unrecognizable. It has a village "Metropolis" atmosphere which makes it not so easy to be busy with purity. Money rules everything around here. So I look up the most real and deprived places and people that I can find. I am always looking for reality how it used to be. People who have this in them. To live on the border, on "the edge" as I call it.

It makes me happy somehow to share with them. It makes me also angry at what all has gone wrong. When I was young the world was a natural and alive place. Now everything is synthesized, everything is more chemical than before. That's why I always say to people "live a most simple life as you can." It is so rewarding (in comparison with modern life). Not everything of it of course.

That's why we have to mix! It requires intelligence. So for young readers I absolutely do not want to depress you. Mix properly. Modern shit "say no!" Chemicals are evil. Other stuff you can do with. Good old-fashioned stuff "say yes!" Only brains are required and any kind of spirituality! No rules.

Don't let society brainwash you with non-sense. Beware of work! You must do your utmost to do meaningful work and always properly show your dissatisfaction at non-sense work and let them know that they are imposters making money behind your back. Don't shy. The truth always brings out some reaction!

Well, that it was it for today. I think I am gonna look a movie. Not sure yet. I rarely look movies lately. Once in a while I keep up with the latest good movies, almost as a routine. It's an old habit of mine! Alright folks. God Bless.

A rose is a rose is rose

Fb 18-06-2012

Well, that's was it for today. I haven't heard any cheering comin' forth from my open window as the night slowly is starting to appear. So I am guessing it is still nil-nil. I will only look one match if France or Germany or England! are in the final. I am not a keen on football. It is a stupid sport for men. Women football on the other hand is completely different. Women have a different way of playing and they really enjoy it. Men don't really like to play football. They are forced to as a mean of income, mainly, being discriminated to other functions. I guess some find it Romantic. I wish they would just stop the game and revolt instead! Do something useful. Whatever.

Anything to add? I feel blessed. Probably due to my new found love and inspiration! My lady of fortune! Read on in the comin' episodes of Season 7. Season 7 has started! Problem is I can't publish everything. At the moment I am too busy to really be on Fb. I got a lot projects running simultaneously. Amongst other things I have started playing piano and writing again. I have so much to share. My main drive in life is women, art, society, music and experimental art. Any! Also the well-being of people.

Let me just sign off this day and finish off with some relaxation as I usually do. Not much to say, just the Grimm atmosphere of the masses waiting for satisfaction. They would love a goal! Germany is renowned for its defensive game. I usually predict well. No way, the Netherlands will win. Germany can wait and score in a last minute kind of situation as they are renowned for. Else it simply will end in a draw! I don't even bother to watch anymore! It's reasonably easy to predict. Let's see if I am right.

Don't forget to read on my website:

Window view daytime

The score was 2-1 for Germany. 13-06-2012

Finally I am getting my first song out in years! It's not yet finished. Still needs some time. Can't do everything.

It's piano and surprising! SO RELAXING. Sometimes my ears shutten, then they open up again! Thanks God. A MIRACLE HAPPENS! Piano is very cool.

Some will get their arms broken and their ears brushed and have already complained that it wasn't fair. Since when is talent outlawed! And also I happen to be a musician something people forget! I have bothered on my guitar quite a lot in the past. I shouldn't exaggerate of course and should play a lot.

It's just, there ain't a note on the keyboard that I can't hit in awe and woooow! What a miracle instrument. By coincidence I have the luxury to be able to play on a real piano once in a while next to my 49-niner and next to my well, lady of fortune! which of course is an inspiration to the untimely, not only by how rich(compared to me) and beautiful she is.

Piano is an amazing instrument. You can paint on it!

Some old laundry of mine(which gives an idea of my genre) can be listened to on the link hereunder.

Piano is such an instrument that goes so many directions. You can even bend it, and boom it and so gently make it gear up, up again as a sail is turned port and STARport or gently to the left and right again and even tacked in opposite direction(something like that). You can follow the Sea, follow the Sky, follow, well, you can guess the painting in notes before its conception and after its conception!

TheBenoit4u's channel:

Unknown flowerFb 12-06-2012

_-_-_-_- Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_

From Facebook :

Benoît likes Katsuya Yokoyama. Benoît likes Rampart. Benoît likes Centurion. Benoît likes Taken. Benoît likes Get the Gringo. Benoît likes The Wicker Tree. Benoît and Sujit Kumar are now friends. Benoît and Jiddu Krishnamurti are now friends. Benoît and Shanti Maa are now friends.

TheDesert Rose shared a picture. Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father. ~Lydia M. Child

I wish to all my dear gentlemen friends a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. May you be blessed with love, joy and happiness always! God Bless You ALL! ❤ Namasté _/\_

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle’s flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it … "Dad"


A new entry has been published on”the Texian Space Port for your Soul!”

Ulysses V is a safe-haven for kindred souls from all around the Planet. It’s the place where I publish all my stuff, uncensored, unbiased and especially un-moderated, not always to the liking of others. I have even received death threats. Pjeeeuuuh nothing new! My hand of God can remove anything, even a bullet flying at me at speeds that I haven't calculated!

The freedom of press is very important and in that sense the internet is a safe-haven for the free word, the free ideas, the free concepts, the free truths that many regular newspapers cannot or do not publish due to brainwashing and other reasons.

THE EMPEROR OF TEXAS .COM is where you can spend your Friday evenings in Peace! No hassling here, no brainwashing here, no commercials here!

At the moment I am not publishing in Fb’s notepad anymore. So quite a few entries have been written on my website since the last note in Fb. It takes quite some time. I will get them in Fb as well, soon. Can’t always keep up.

My website contains a lot of material to the betterment of the world! Well, one has to keep oneself busy. One would be surprised how relaxing it is to read unbiased no-nonsense stuff.

Society wants to brainwash you dear readers, they want you to be looking at football matches and drink beers in the evening while the vested interests are morally corrupting us, while they are spending our money! They want you to be stupid, to be a slave to the mechanical world view. They want you to be unhappy! Everybody knows this. Still world hegemony has never been achieved. This is a disaster. Only then can the Planet survive properly!

Don’t forget to read it as well as to listen to my online Discourses on this link to which quite a few listeners listened to(many more than the recently added statistics):

For the latest entry on Ulysses V click the link here below:

Fb 12-06-2012


Kathy Paysen : “Benoit Arnaud Duval ... the heart has so much electricity ... it seems it moves in God's circle. Thank you so much for the kindness you share with the planet. I sincerely appreciate every effort you make for others to share and learn from each other. I am delighted to see you posted my letter to President Obama about the old Native American Indian idea ... Trading Posts ... a way to help each other without money. Have a beautiful day dear sir.

B.A.D : “Not at home. Will answer. I guessed you knew that you were not the first one with that idea/concept. Doesn't matter. As long as it works! Maybe the President never heard of it. Will answer when I get home. Thank you for your comment dear Kathy

B.A.D : “Yes trading is very old. You said that it is a way to help each other without money. Yes this is true. There is another point to it. When one surpasses the government, the government is not so happy. That's why this is difficult to get started. Imagine everybody would do this. There would be no money! That's why I stressed on getting people out of isolation in that sense. The government usually does not support this in all countries over the whole world! It is a very good idea and of course if the government would help this this would be a miracle on itself. For this the government would have to be brave. I don't know enough about Obama. I see your point. You would like the government to support it. It would make it unique and trustworthy. Maybe you should try this by State! More chance of succeeding if you don't get a positive answer. Especially don't forget to think of yourself and enjoy life as much as you can. In french it's called "troc". Just means exchanging. People are getting more intelligent again. I am afraid you are still a bit too early. This must start at a very young age through the educations, such notions, before the government even understands it. There are movements trying to start this kind of thing. You are in touch with it! The good old fashioned way of life! By State maybe a chance. God would want this. The economy is not meant to cripple people. You being a teacher, next to your most Godly-inspired poetry in truth and love, are in the best place to get people to a higher intelligence in that sense. People don't have much time. That is the problem! Also society is made so that people difficultly join for this kind of "Trading Posts" by themselves. So you are asking the right things to President Barack Obama(I don't think he believes in the truth). A good government, especially in the US, where people are originally meant to help each other(and probably do more so than in some parts of Europe) and originally are meant to be very independent from the government this should be a priority. Nowadays the government wants especially to be in control of everything all over the world. It's called globalization. Some people are trying to balance this back to people helping each other. A very difficult thing. It is a revolutionary concept! At least in Europe it would be. Not a chance for this around here. I think in the South of the US, including Texas, it has a change of succeeding. The Red Indians were unique in their civilization. They were in harmony with nature very much. Something we have to get back to. If only the globalist could integrate this! There are two movements moving contrary to each other. They should indeed be aligned! That would solve everything. In that sense you are well placed to know this as a teacher. Good education is so important! Freedom is very important. People by themselves are very intelligent. God is in us when people are freely and intelligently educated. You make me dream. Heaven on Earth is possible! One forgets it. Yes God as you are touch with is very true. People don't want to hear anymore about God. They got the wrong notion. Maybe the truth is God. This people should get back to. The truth simply as it is. Those who live by it have the most rewarding life. I think freedom is the most Godly quality that people need. This can only be brought through the education! And sharing! I am going to sleep. It's late.”

Kathy Paysen : “Benoit Arnaud Duval - thanks for the response. I knew I wasn't the first to think of a Trading Post Bank and I know that the government won't like it ... but it certainly would beat people on the streets, chaos, and starvation ... so maybe ... just maybe ... somebody will take it on ... before it's too late. Unemployment is the equivalent of waiting to die ... it is unacceptable.

B.A.D : “Work is good when it is useful work. I don't agree that any work is useful. Many jobs have no function and leave people feeling useless. Trading, however, is great and can only lead to useful "trading work"”

President Obama presented Bob Dylan with the Medal of Freedom at the White House today, saying "There is not a bigger giant in the history of American music." It is the United States' highest civilian honor and is awarded for meritorious contributions to the national interest of the United States, to world peace, or to other significant endeavors. Congratulations, Bob!

Bob Dylan medal of honor Photo by Charles Dharapak/AP

“I wonder what he is thinkin'... I love Bob Dylan... His greatest album is"Slow Train Coming" My favorite song is"Gotta Serve Somebody" Here's a great Etta James interpretation. Copyrights, copyrights. Well, I got the album!”

Kathy Paysen is a true American not only in heart, also in practicality and love of God, love of the other, troubled by the economic crisis and the devastation of what is all going around in the world. The US is at this moment in a severe economic crisis. We must change our ways of surviving! The economy world wide is not going to get any better. Especially not in the West. Greed is everywhere. This must be combated. It is already a miracle that we just manage. The greedy people are destroying life in all its aspects, including basic healthcare, food supplies, and the job market. If we are to keep the economic level as it is today, this already is an achievement on itself.

People, however, can help each other and must stop hoping that the economy will get better and live as before. It won't. So it is time that people start helping each other, especially in the US. Money can be surpassed, happiness has no price. The true American dream is not only a dream. Make it your lifestyle! PASS IT ON ... pass it on ...

Kathy Paysen: "A moral stimulus plan, a bank to invest time, a means to return to a trading post, to serve each other, no money exchanged ... just time ... "The Trading Post Bank" ... read my letter to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle ... please comment and share ... pass it on ... pass it on ... pass it on ..."

Don't forget to read her poetry on her poetry blog:

Her letter to President Barack Obama:

Dear readers, I have had one complaint again! Just let me remind you that in general I am not busy with other people's problems. The best way to get through life is to enjoy as much as you can contrary to popular belief. The world is being destroyed at this very moment due to people thinking that the more they do, the more the world will improve. This is not the case. The contrary is true. Live an efficient life and don't forget that happiness is easily reachable when one sets aside one's ambitions and greed and one remembers that life is already a miracle on itself. Leading a simple life is the best way to happiness. The mind is only there to make you unhappy. If you are so it's because you are too much concentrating on the other and think that the other should do something for you. Do something for yourself. The other is not an excuse! It's as simple as that. If everybody would live to this simple principle the world would already be Heaven on Earth. Society should go by this very principle all over the world. Greed dear readers is what is destroying the planet! A simple life is a blessing. All those who betray this principle and go for legalized destruction of the planet are evil. They lack the brain of happiness and pollute the other. Beware!

Kathy Paysen shared a picture.


“Science cannot find nothingness. Only God can define nothingness. I say to you, "Only in death, does nothing matter."” ~ Kathy Paysen

New notes Season 6:

Season 6 reaches its AUDIO stage TIP-TOP!
The Rumi Show NR1
Blue Oil - First Audition
The Venusync Music Company Quick Draft
“My Quotes” - in philosophy and linguistic innovation.
Season 6 has ended!!!!!!

New notes Season 7:

Spring has lifted off to a tropical Amsterdam...
Victory is back in the originating kingdom of chess for the fifth time in a row!

B.A.D wrote “What a beautiful symbolism.”God's door

_-_-_-_-End of Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_
Map picture

That’s it for today folks. God Bless. darth ghost's ChirbitsThank you for this Blessed day!


| Old junk new junk | A Wake Up Synopsis | Goodmorning | Season 4 | Season 5 | True Romance | Season 7 | Movements of Paradise - Ladders from God | Facebook |