Monday, June 28, 2010

at 12:42

A Wake Up Synopsis. The Fifteenth


Summer is all around! It’s hot and humid, slightly tropical here in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Not a cloud on any horizon. Visibility is almost ten miles. A beautiful Monday, working day for most of you. Make the best of your day ‘cos tomorrow never comes. It’s eleven hundred hours, Greenwich Mean time plus two as I start my Wake Up Synopsis number Fifteen. I love to write and create. That’s the reason I live on. Creativity dear readers is maybe the only thing that distinguishes us from the animal kingdom in all its might and beauty. It is the only thing that should be kept from the Old world. We are all creators. Creators are the future. They can insure the protection of the planet better than anyone else can. We should all be creators. The Ultimate Creator is God after all.

Thank you for coming onboard and visiting Ulysses V. My name is darth ghost. I am the Emperor of Texas living in exile. Texas dear readers is the cradle of civilization. In Texas dear readers only your song will be remembered. In Texas dear readers only your Art will be remembered and that’s proof that you are a worthy inhabitant of this world. You can read more about it in Old junk new junk.

I am slightly at loss how to continue my blog due to the weather and some personal problems I am having at the moment. I am living in The Netherlands a country full of unknown folk and rituals. I am looking for a job to get myself out of the social security. It’s not so easy. Also I must admit I am very disappointed by my former friends who adhere to the same principles this society is build on. Greed. I must say in that sense I haven’t been very lucky. That’s why I am looking to move onwards eventually out of this country. For that first I need some employment. The system here in The Netherlands has let me rot for more than ten years now. In that sense I am a victim of the Dutch system and especially the weight of the Female gender around here. I have to admit I have never been able to cope with the female gender of Dutch origin. Many of them are built mainly on selfishness and petty feelings that are destroying this earth.

I have been slightly depressed for a couple of days. One of my former ‘wifes’ has continued to seek contact with me and continues to make my life hell once in a while. It’s a deep wound for me. She chose the easy way in life. Not to take any kind of responsibility whatsoever and to run down the planet as much as possible. On the other hand she is doing better than before, which makes me somewhat happy as well. Greed dear readers is what is destroying this planet. Addictions are also greed. Cocaine is evil just as feminism is. It is what you call a luxury or a corruption. Some people do not want to look into their own shit and use others as scapegoat to those means. Very often they resort to cocaine. Something I had to learn the hard way. I myself didn’t fall for that. Still I lost my daughter to cocaine. One of my former ‘wifes’ sniffed it during nine months of pregnancy. Life is sometimes a bitch and greed dear readers is in most cases the perpetrator. The leftist notion of Freedom is also a perpetrator. All those who adhere to it are responsible as well. Feelings have destroyed my life. I admit I didn’t choose my friends properly or spouses properly. Still I loved one of them more than all. I gave her my heart. She wanted my soul. No thanks. Love is something not so easy in these times where people have become denaturalized and resort to drugs. I myself have had quite a few problems with alcohol. I have sworn it to hell. Something that happened when I finally woke up as to not repeat the same mistakes of the past. Also by seeing its disastrous effect it has had on me and around me. It has destroyed my life to a certain extent. The older I get the more I see that drug use and other addictions are a dangerous evil on this planet. It is a byproduct of the hippy generation which has done more damage than good. God and Nature is what has helped me get over it. Drug addicts should be brought back to God and Nature. That is the only way to help them non-chemically if they don’t manage on themselves. Also drug addicts should never hold positions of responsibility. The Indian system of licensing is quite good. I don't know if it still exists. In India for example drug addicts used to be registered and had the right to use drugs but where then second rated as citizens. Usually they would resort to spirituality or something like that. Indian society is very advanced. I am going to have a look into it as well as to further continue my Green constitution.

Happiness is a relative notion I can tell you that by experience. The female gender is the reason for the existence of the mechanical world view. You can read more about it in my work of Art called the Fifth dimension. It’s the next dimension in Art and the next dimension in science.

I know for most of you this must be basics what I write down. Still it concerns certain people who are reading my stuff and come back often to do that. I have managed to gather a few faithful readers and they are increasing lately. I even got a reader from the Bronx who reads my stuff on his iphone. Thank you very much. The Internet connects us all.

I love to write and create sentences. I love to share my life experience with you and make new friends once in a while. It’s a pity that many people get personal with me. I also receive quite a few complaints. Dear readers words are just what you read in them. It’s about the Planet and how to safe-guard it from destruction and bring happiness all around that counts.

I am also writing a new Green constitution. The reason for that is that I believe written law is holly. Laws should be simple and it is written law that has protected freedom on this planet. Unwritten law dear readers are very dangerous. Nobody should be above the law. Constitutions should be inspired by God. If you into it look you will see that freedom is safe-guarded in it more than in other constitutions . Europe is a dirty place when it comes to law. The U.S. in that sense is much more nearer God.

I am of belief that the only thing seriously wrong in the United States Declaration of Independence, the most important document of its making,  is only it’s environmental hazard. The pursuit of happiness should be linked to safe-guarding the Planet from destruction. It should be Green all the way. That’s why I am writing a new Green constitution on the basis of the Fifth dimension also know as Old junk new junk. It’s has laid out the Ultimate religion for you. Prayer and the Unknown is very important in it. Also the containment of the female gender must be dealt with with utmost most seriousness. The reason for that is that she is unable to think for the better of the group. Something laid down in her genetic disposition.

The female gender should never hold responsible positions until she is an improvement to The Worlds. Freedom should imply to be an Improvement to The Worlds. Freedom should never inbreach the Planet we live in else it just in breach of God and Nature.

Still not very inspired again due to some of my old acquaintances. Still got some words together this time. I have to admit the human race is sometimes a disgrace. Greed dear readers is the product of the mobsters of this world.

The weather forecast ahead of its time were I not to manage another entry just before midnight. Gotta do some social calls! answer some emails and try to get back on target. Maybe write some new Poetry.

The temperature for Amsterdam, The Netherlands on the 29th of June 2010 should rise to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the wind blowing North-North-West and turning. Humidity is high giving us a tropical feeling especially when living next to a canal. Visibility should be same as today. Maybe some thunder pressure tomorrow.

This has been darth ghost all the way from Amsterdam wishing you a pleasurable day wherever you are coming from and whatever time zone you reside in. Thank you for visiting Ulysses V. The Ultimate Gateway to the Stars. The Texas Space Port for Your Soul. Don’t forget to tell your friends about my blog. Webaddress is: God bless &See ya around.

Friday, June 25, 2010

at 23:01

On an editorial note XX

Today was just an in between day. Updated my gallery to 75 paintings on Arte - 3000. There is a new page called By decree of the Emperor of Texas and the latest Wake Up Call Synopsizes. Gotta look into that word. It spells curiously. Also the best On an editorial note will have a separate page. Don't forget to read yesterday's The Wake Up Synopsis number Fourteen. It contains the First decree of a new constitution for the Galactic empire to come. Didn't have much time today to do anything meaningful. Tomorrow I should publish the next Wake Up Synopsis. The Fifteenth.I'll see if that will happen or not. If you enjoy Poetry than don't forget to read some of mine on

The weather forecast for Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A quick check at my window gives us this result:

The temperature should rise to about 75 degrees Fahrenheit by noon. The sun should be shinning quite strongly. A few clouds about as well, the wind blowing from a Eastern direction softly. Humidity is decreasing lately. It should remain quite stable at around 60%. Not much different from today. Maybe slightly higher than today. Visibility is difficult to predict. All by all a pleasant and warm day tomorrow on the 26th of June in the year of the Tiger according to Chinese astrology.

This has been darth ghost wishing you a pleasant night, ending on a slightly uninspired entry. Thank you for coming onboard. It's always a thrill to have new readers read my stuff. Thank you very much. Make the best of your Friday night 'cos tomorrow never comes. It's been a busy day. Let us take a moment of communion and Ultimate glitch.

Don't forget to read the Fifth dimension. It's the next dimension in Art as well as in science. Ulysses V is your location. Soon a pic of the control room for the Battlestar on this blog. Thank you for coming onboard and visiting the Ultimate gateway to the Stars. The Texas Space Port for Your Soul. You have been reading the stuff of the Stars. Don't forget to bookmark this site. Webaddress is Enjoy your night or morning or afternoon wherever you are coming from. God Bless &see ya around.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

at 14:29

A Wake Up Synopsis. The Fourteenth


Section One of the Universal Constitution coming from the legislature of The Emperor Of Texas constituted on the twenty fourth of June two thousand and ten:

Infraction of SOUC can be punishable by means of the Guillotine in order of severity.

All men are created equal by the Creator and are naturally gifted to pursue freedom and happiness in what ever direction it suits them in order to safe-guard the Planet from destruction and bring happiness to the Planet. All others will have a second rank citizenship until they become Protectors of The Worlds. Only citizens who are an Improvement to The Worlds have a right to amendment.

This section is later dealt with. First some introductory notes.

Thank you for visiting my blog. My blog is slowly increasing the amount of readers I get. It’s not so easy to get dedicated readers. I like to share my words and life experience. My name is darth ghost. darth ghost is my alter ego. My real name can be found on the left of your screen in my profile link. I am the author of this blog.

You have found Ulysses V. The Ultimate gateway to the Stars. The Texas Space Port for Your Soul. You have found the sole legal heir to the throne of Texas in the Office of The Emperor of Texas. You can read more about him in the Fifth dimension.

I am the in exile living Emperor of Texas. You can follow my twitter account as well. I am trying to get a certification to the authenticity of my status. The twitter people are looking into it.

Amsterdam weather is booming at the moment. The sun is out in all its beauty and might. It looks like summer has hit the town. Its population is getting very ethnical. That’s real nice. I sometimes think the white population has deserved its slow downfall. They all want to be God. Of course they are minimizing the damage by keeping as much power as possible to their destructive ends whether it is in self satisfaction or in aggressive tactics.

Today I am gonna start writing a new constitution. Democracy dear readers is only ensuring that the Planet is slowly heading for destruction. Before I get into that first some colloquial words of the day. It helps you to better understand my set of mind and gives you an insight into my unparalleled Wisdom coming all the way from your Utmost most scholarly Beatnik Superior. The one only Evil Knival of literature named darth ghost. You love me or you hate me. You despise me or you like me. There is no inbetween. One things is for sure. You will never forget me.

I’ve had some complaint again that I make many spelling mistakes. Dear readers thank you for your emails.

Let me give you an answer on that. Well, I publish my stuff at high speed and very often I don’t have time to correct it. English is not my native language and my memory is renowned to be not that good. I am four thousand years old. Give me a break. I have survived more than you. I can tell you that. Your sorrows are but particles of dust compared to mine.

Still as you have noticed the spelling is improving. On the other hand if you want to have a contest on Grammar I will outrun you miles ahead. I am an expert and have long philosophized about A New Grammar. Basically all you need is a subject, a verbal sentence and an adverbial sentence. Grammar is not difficult dear readers. And yes my adverbial sentences sometimes come after a point. So what. It reads just like it speaks and often like a rollercoaster comin' all the way from my very own qwerty keyboard broadcasted by your favorite Prophet tuning in to the latest happenings on the Planet.

It’s around ten hundred hours, Greenwich Mean Time plus two. I found out lately that it’s a difference of two hours from the former British colonial time zone. I thought it was a one hour difference. That’s in late autumn only.

As I said in other Wake Up Synopsises, I was brought up in between a bunch of morons, hippies, easy riders and once in a while an honest Idiot. I am a former Chief Justice here in The Netherlands. How this is possible is difficult to explain. It would force you to have look into the corruption of European politics and its folklore. I’ve been called a whistle blower or a corrupt police officer and many other things by the ones who adhere to that folklore. All I have to say to them is:’I am happy I have disappointed you. Make my day or rot in hell’. Mankind has descended to such a low existence here in Europe. That’s why I adhere to some of the principle of  The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirtheen United of America, also known as the U.S. Declaration of Independence of course without its federalism. I have refused to be used as opium for the folk. Reality is that this folklore is just a soothing method of satisfaction and buries its carrier dead or alive.

My former ‘wifes’ with no exception have kept me in a dark cellar for years and years unto the origin of European folklore. A practice very common here in Europe. When I woke up and revolted against the folklore they locked me up. I just have one regret that I didn’t slice them all up. Even my mother called the police. Shame on you. You can rot in the hypocrisy you adhere to. It won’t make a difference to me. There is no excuse for that. Woman emancipation movements are responsible for the unhappiness that is spreading through the female gender.

I may sound gloomy or angry. That is not the case. I am quite happy and looking forwards to what comes on my path. Yes and forgive me dear caring female readers. The occasional visit to the Prostitute of my dreams. Some of them are very lovely woman and full of wisdom. I am still looking for the maid of my dreams. Together we are gonna make this world a better place. I scroll through profiles and check out your intimate characteristics. I am very difficult I know. I don’t want to be buried alive.

I have met quite a few famous people in my life. Many more than I have stated on this website. That’s also due to that folklore. They have one thing in common. They usually are simple and loving people. I have had extensive talks with politicians and have influenced some of them to the extend of laying out their weaknesses in political campaigns. I am also a former spin doctor. Your favorite!

I have gone through the faith of what black people have gone through during the slavery era for the simple reason that I didn’t participate to the system of corruption. As I said before, written Law is holly and that’s what has kept me on my feet. I have also spent some time in Jail and saw the hypocrisy of the judiciary system in The Netherlands. The Netherlands is said to be a tolerant country. The contrary is true. People are locked up for life for crimes of passion and sometimes with no evidence whatsoever. Often inmates get no proper representation in court. The average time an inmate spends in Jail is twenty three hours a day. On the other hand the death sentence is not active in Europe. It is a shame what goes on around here.

I am happy that I went through that system and could see it first hand. Society around here is a disgrace to the human kind. Slowly slowly I come to the conclusion that human beings are so much less intelligent than animals. I come to the conclusion that it is almost a shame to belong to that evolution. Human beings are a disgrace.

The ones who keep up best usually believe in some kind of God or are very faithful to Nature. I believe in God and Nature. God is what has helped me from my addictions and to get over them. Nature is what inspires me. I have also spent some time in regular psychiatry and have seen how people are turned into zombies when they don’t fit the system. I have refused medication on the basis that chemicals are destroying this Earth during seventeen month. I can tell you that that’s an achievement on itself. These suckers have but one goal. That’s to pour their chemical bucks in you and make a living zombie out of you. It’s cheap and cost effective and when human beings are sedated they are like furniture and make your job a more pleasant job. I am for the complete annihilation of psychiatry. People should be brought back to God or Nature instead of being sedated. The sad thing is that some of the people working in that sector actually believe that it is useful. I can tell you that first hand. They do not adhere to the basics of human rights. First your human rights should be respected. Only then can you expect something good. Else you only get a brainwashed civilization. Which is now the case in most countries of the world.

As I have said before I am gonna make a new constitution based on The U.S. Declaration of Independence and a couple of other constitutions and the Fifth dimension of course. Laws are holly and basically all we need for a society to run properly is a constitution. For the rest law books are only profiting the mobsters of this Planet by their complication amongst other things. It’s just a constitutional draft. The order of importance of clauses will be later dealt with.

Lets look at the most important text in The U.S. Declaration of Independence to start with. Here it is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

The declaration of Independence is a very good starting point for my Universal Constitution. The reason for choosing the U.S. Declaration of Independence is because the first pilgrims who reached the American continent fled from the oppressive European nations. A feeling I am getting lately. Somehow Europe is full of outdated rituals that I cannot any more adhere to. It is understandable that in the days it was written the pursuit of happiness would never have been a visible environmental hazard. On the other hand you can see its main difference with The Netherlands for example. It contains the right to overthrow the government. Freedom is very important in it. Much more than is the case in many European states. It’s weakness today is the fact that the pursuit of happiness is such a relative notion. It contains a strong environmental hazard. That’s what will be the downfall of the U.S. eventually. The reason for that philosophically speaking is of course the aggressive nature of Intercontinental freedom.

So let’s rewrite it.

Basically this would be Section One of my constitution. I will see the importance of sections and their consecution later.

All men are created equal by the Creator and are naturally gifted to pursue freedom and happiness in what ever direction it suits them in order to safe-guard the Planet from destruction and bring happiness to the Planet. All others will have a second rank citizenship until they become Protector of The Worlds. Only citizens who are an Improvement to The Worlds have a right to amendment.

See it’s not so difficult. Just a little bit of common sense and you get there. It's content is based on the Fifth dimension. The next dimension in Art and the next dimension in science. It's only a draft section. It should change a little bit as I write further sections and differ the different priorities.

Once implemented Section One of the Universal Constitution(SOUC) would definitely change the face of this Earth. Science would merge with Art and Society and the planet would slowly become happy again. It's all very easy. It's just we have been conned by the mobsters into Democracy and corruption as means of compassion for it often. A little opium here and there with no meaningful difference. Meaning Democracy is not necessarily evil. Still it's mainly a facade for the mobsters of this world. It's just a name that has never been implemented dating back all the way to the Greeks and the Romans. I don't remember exactly where the idea originated. It's basic outline is not fitting the times at all. It's an outdated system which only the name has been kept. Direct democracy is sometimes applied to in the U.S. It also has many shortcomings. Basically the constitution should easily take care of what rights we should engage in.

Written law dear readers is what ensures our freedom. It is maybe the only good thing that is worth keeping. On the other hand it should be inspired by God. Somehow that is inherent to any constitution which safe-guards freedoms. Else you get communism or fascism which is now the case in many societies. Extreme controlled capitalism is just a kind of opportunistic fascism basically. This is the case in The Netherlands. You don’t have be a genius to understand that. We all have been confused by society and its corruption. Look at the result. Its madness and corruption and especially selfishness is visible all around you. Also its obliging nature is visible. Often you have no choice as to participate in that just for survival means.

Today no weather forecast except that it looks like it should be a very enjoyable day tomorrow with lots of sun on the 25th of June 2010 here in The Netherlands, Amsterdam. No time. Gotta do some social calls! read some emails, answer some emails and some housekeeping on Ulysses V.

That’s it for today folks! Thank you for coming onboard.

You have been reading the stuff of the Stars, the stuff of darth ghost the Emperor of Texas in exile. It’s been a long read for you I gather. Thank you for time. Don’t forget to spread the word of darth ghost. Don’t forget to tell your friends about my blog. It’s location is Google Webservers: God Bless &See ya around.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

at 20:09

Speech balloon on air (Bubbles on air)

Some new dwellings are been built not so far from my house. There is a huge crane that moves around all day. The tree in front my house is doing quite well. Last year it was half dead. This year the power of natural healing brought it back to its majestic self. You wonder sometimes how that is possible. It's almost as if trees have good and bad eras. Humidity was last year also high. It's not due to that. It has regained its spirit and soul.

Got to get out my 50mm lens reflex camera(Spielgelreflex). In reality the crane is much nearer in eyesight. 50mm lenses come closest to the eyesight. They used to be very common. Mine comes from the former D.D.R.

My latest Poetry on can be read. It's a short experimental bubble poem. It's called:'Speech balloon on air (Bubbles on air)'. 

Speech balloon on air (Bubbles on air)


:'High above noon the moon shines but unseen. Under its gaze a blanket of clouds that reflect back upon the stratosphere into our galaxy. Even further away from that is the sun that makes this almighty possible. His gaze is direct and perilous and inconvenient. It makes your skin burn when exposed too long to him. He is the warning of death and creation. His rays are like a Van Gogh painting, yellow and orange with a cadmium smell. He looks out for pirates and meteorites in his protection sphere and powers our planet. His hard work of nuclear combustion is our steam engine. Still it is not enough for us. Our planet is slowly been run down. The moon gazes back to the clouds under her and finds some shelter in a cloud that revolves and gazes back upon the earth. I can see it. It looks right unto me and slowly is moved by the wind in a Northern direction, findings its way, crawling its way upon the atmosphere.'.

Poem category: Experimental poetry

Monday, June 21, 2010

at 13:17

A Wake Up Synopsis. The Thirteenth


It’s eleven hundred hours and twenty five minutes, from my time zone next to the North Sea, Germany and Belgium, as I start writing the next Synopsis right in front of your screen, as I start writing the next milestone in fashion and style, in Prayer and God, in Poetry and Reason, in dissertation and common sense. Suddenly, it’s as if the times stood still for an hour or two. Suddenly the times stopped and everything made sense.

Location is Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on the fourth floor of my modest apartment facing North-East exactly on Sea level. Medium is Uncle Sam’s invention the Internet. Well, that’s not completely true. We all invented the Internet!

Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is darth ghost. I am the author of this blog. My real name can be found in my profile on the left of your screen. I love to use a character as a narrator. You can go many more directions with it. Besides sometime the Law requires it. Also some people cannot distinguish between fact and fiction. I have come across them more often than not. Laws should no jeopardize our freedoms. You can read more about it in A Wake Up Synopsis number Ten.

You have found Ulysses V. You have found darth ghost –Texan in heart From Texas -the Prophet of the Internet and future Emperor of the great state of Texas -future emperor of the Galaxy -the sole legal heir to the throne dating back to about four thousand years ago. One day I will be seated in the middle of Texas dessert and plant the new Governmental body in the middle of your dessert. It will replace the United Nations and have only one function. Namely, to safeguard the Planet from destruction. Name coming up soon on this blog. A Wake Up Synopsis number Five is where the original plan is laid out.

Today, I am your Apache warrior lost in Europe amongst unknown folk and unknown bestiality. You can read more about it in Red Dirt Green Dirt also known as the Fifth dimension and Old junk new junk. Also don’t forget to read The Wake Up Synopsis series and my Poetry on It will give you an insight into my unparalleled set of mind as well as a philosophical dissertation into the genders of this world.

I welcome you upon my creation. If you are into Poetry, stories and Redemption, women and maids, men and testosterone, testosterone and maids, then this blog is your safe-heaven, your refuge and eventually your savings. I actually got ripped off of a million dollars by one of my 'wifes'. That’s not English! Polygamy is taboo in the Western world. They don’t have plural for for the noun. Well maybe a slight exageration here, she cocked it all up. A million bucks, something like that. Imagine what good you can do in this world with a million bucks. You can start a company for example and create some good jobs. Tune in everyday for the latest blows of the Poet of dimensions delivers to his Foes, the mobsters of this world.

This blog is not about keeping the status quo that is running down the planet. It’s also not about personal deliverance from any kind of ego that you might have stumbled upon in yourself. It’s the Fifth dimension that you have accessed! It’s the no-return-ticket to a new world order with darth ghost at its head as the late dethroned emperor of Texas who has come back to claim his share and deliver you from the mobsters of this Planet.

The Fifth dimension is the latest milestone in Art, science and some good old fashion values comin’ all the way from my very own qwerty keyboard into your stratosphere. It’s the Stratocaster himself that as taken over your screen and has filled it with some voodoo chills. Although I would prefer it to be a Gibson.

It’s all encompassed in Poetry and my latest blows of prose, descriptions of the weather and characters within the weather and descriptions within descriptions into random unbiased subliminal connotations by your favorite Beatnik Superior who hates hippies, easy riders, and leftist politicians except Fidel Castro and a couple of others and behaves just like former president George Bush when he gets mad. If you are into any of that then this blog is for you. Don’t forget to bookmark it or take a subscription on it via a reader.

End intro.

Last week I spent some time redesigning my blog. So didn't have much time to write. I am not really inspired lately. That’s ‘cos the inspiration just isn't there. Probably due to the weather. It’s mainly grey and soaked and clouded around here. It is getting slowly better fortunately. By the end of the week the sun should be shinning in all its magnitude again!

Having said that, global warming based only on the fact of carbon dioxide emissions seems to be more fiction than fact.A point I have been making for years. Meaning it is more likely that we are at the end of an Interglacial and that global warming is not only due to carbon dioxide emissions due to cars and other vehicles, which is marginally the case. It is in example especially the paint on these cars that are harmful to the ozone layer. It’s all about chemicals. It's all about heavy chemicals and its result on the human mind as well as the environment that is turning this world into a Metropolis where one day the Sky will simply not be existing anymore. You can read more about it in A Wake Up Synopsis number Five. Also the importance and etymology of Sky is elaborated further upon in Old junk new junk.

I was into coding last week so it’s quite a drag and my head needs a little rest. That’s ‘cos I shift from on craft to another, from one Art to the next. It’s all Art. A good program, a good book, some good Poetry. It’s all Art as long as you put your soul into it. As long as your Spirit speaks its heart. That’s what it’s all about. Creation upon creation upon the next creation. Webpages upon bytes and bits upon AMD’s or Pentium’s or VIA’s or other processors, upon your vision into your mind and out again into the world. Search engines that crawl and find you and decipher you. It’s all Art made possible by the Internet. If it were up to me we would all be living in Huts with an Internet connection. That's were we will fight our future wars. Eventually the digits will take over in about a thousand years or so if we are not careful. It's all described in my apoplectic apocalyptic work of Art called Old junk new junk.

Beginning end.

When that is the case, when inspiration is beyond reach, I usually resort to writing some Poetry, or just descriptive prose or just fill my screen with darth ghost History.

It’s a better day than my weather forecast predicted. The sun is out and the city is very busy on this Monday morning. The wheeling of technology and modernism in time expressed through noises of modern beasts with their beauty and shine and grill as well as their incompatibility with Nature. It’s the craze of mankind; it’s what keeps the mobsters right on their thrones. At least the paint does. It’s greed that makes this world run. It’s greed that is slowly running down the Planet as well.

I am happy that you have found my blog and enjoy reading my stuff. I am looking for new readers. Every reader I get is very welcome. It’s not so easy these days. People are too busy being kept busy. Whether it is by their wife or their employers of even their children asking for the latest Playstation game, still once in a while I manage to get a dedicated reader. That makes me happy. People have no time. People don’t want to have time. Life is what you make out of it and it takes some earth quake to wake you up usually.

Basically I like to share my life experience and what I make out of it. Many have blamed me that I am not really into friendships. I was always like that. Besides that I too don't have much time. Creation and more creation that’s what I enjoy doing. It don’t matter what. I am a starting writer and have decided that upon reaching a million word in about a years and some months from now. I will publish my first Drama. I am also gonna write a novel. It will be surrealistic and spiritual.

Maybe it will be like a Chagall painting. I like my stuff to read like a painting and feel like a dream. When I let my qwerty decide for me, without too much thought then my words are better, my words become timeless and I know they make your day a better day ‘cos you to have been struggling else you wouldn’t be reading my stuff ‘cos deep down you are waiting to be waken up from your nightmare with some good words on your screen or in front of you in a book. At least it doesn't hurt.

My words follow the dusk all the way to dawn just by themselves. I am gonna revive literature. Bring back the Exuperies, the Orwells, the Gollems, the Camus’, the Dostoyevskies, the Kiplings and all the writers I have read and forgotten. I am gonna bring back the gut feeling into literature. It’s all faded out nowadays. It’s difficult to find a good book on any shelve. You sometimes have to resort to action-fiction instead of literature.

You want to read a book that you never forget -a book inwich every word has its meaning and reflects its author -a book where every word has its own dictionary -a book where words enter your sight and leave it with a feeling of satisfaction like a brush with fresh paint on it in a color that describes exactly its meaning -a book that expands your vision all the way to the heavens and beyond -a book with meaning, vision, and beauty, sensitive and coarse when the landscape needs it, when the expression needs some pondering and reflection.

Which reminds me that my roses on my balcony have sprung. It’s a windy balcony and the roses have kept up quite well for about four years now. They were left to their faith during one and half years inwhich I was incarcerated. Spent some time in Jail and psychiatric camp with some weirdos who thought I was dangerous. Everybody who doesn't fit the system is dangerous and most to that case are too much of a slave to their petty feelings not to eventually be caught up in the web of the stupidity of society which on top of it has the hypocrisy of psychiatry. Never fall for that. I didn't have much choice I broke the law quite badly so I had to resort to some cuckoo nests' tactics. They don't give you no choice. Else it's Jail and more Jail or even worse. Eventually I got freed. The Law came to my rescue.

When inspiration is lacking I resort to other means of insight. The weather for example is always a good starting point. Let's end for today on a little bit of weather characterization in descriptive prose which might be the beginning of a new poem.

:'High above noon the moon shines but unseen. Under its gaze a blanket of clouds that reflect back upon the stratosphere into our galaxy. Even further away from that is the sun that makes this almighty possible. His gaze is direct and perilous and inconvenient. It makes your skin burn when exposed to long to him. He is the warning of death and creation. His rays are like a Van Gogh painting, yellow and orange with a cadmium smell. He looks out for pirates and meteorites in his protection sphere and powers our planet. His hard work of nuclear combustion is our steam engine. Still it is not enough for us. Our planet is slowly been run down. The moon gazes back to the clouds under her and finds some shelter in a cloud that revolves and gazes back upon the earth. I can see it. It looks right unto me and slowly is moved by the wind in a Northern direction, findings it’s way, crawling its way upon the atmosphere.'.

Today it's just a couple of words that I have chiseled for you upon your screen. Gotta do some social calls later, answer some emails and scroll through profiles and rest a little.

The weather forecast for Amsterdam on the 22th of June 2010, ahead of its time were I not to manage another entry today just before midnight.A quick check at my window gives us this result:

Tomorrow the temperature should rise to about 65 degrees Fahrenheit around noon, the wind blowing from the North not too strong, humidity still very high, the sun a little bit more than today. Visibility is always difficult to predict.

That's it for now folks! An ending on a slightly messed up entry that didn't flow in any kind of logic but beared a good sentence or two. Some people have called me the new Ed Wood. That's no insult.

This has been darth ghost wishing you a very good working day on this Monday the 21th of June 2010. It’s always intriguing to have new readers onboard. Where are they all coming from? Next month I will publish the amount of unique visitors I get to my site. It’s more than I thought. Very happy with it.

You have been reading the stuff of the Stars, the stuff of darth ghost -Your Poet Fulminous. That’s a phrase I coined! The English language with the greatest vocabulary on this Planet requires the most possible creative jargon that you can find. You can go any direction with it. Having said that it is unrhymable and doesn't have a straightforward leniency to it. That's its strength! Thank you for visiting Ulysses V –The Ultimate Gateway to the Stars -The Texas Space Port for Your Soul. Thank you for coming onboard. Don’t forget to tell your friends about my blog. Webaddress is: God Bless &See ya around.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

at 16:23

The Dark Typewriter template!


My name is darth ghost. I am your favorite polymath! You love me or you hate me. You like me or you despise me. There is no inbetween. In any case I am the favorite and greatest of all time. I know in me hides the greatest writer of all times. I am the Ali of fiction, the Mason of Art and the Evil Kanival of literature all-in-one. Only when I reach my millionth word online will I be able to take myself serious as a writer. I love Poetry, stories and Redemption. I always pay my bills in Spiritual liquid as well as in cash. Still I have no credit card. The bank clerks won’t give me one.

Welcome onboard Ulysses V -The Ultimate gateway to the Stars –The Texas Space Port for Your Soul. I am your Preacher Immoralus who believes in God and many other things, especially on Sunday. It’s the Fifth dimension ever conceived by mankind that you have accessed. Right now you are deep in it. I can tell you that right through the Internet. That’s why they call me darth ghost.

It’s -thirhteen hundred hours, Greenwich mean time plus one -from the modernized and industrial merchant country of  The Netherlands, from Amsterdam to be precise, on the fourth floor of my modest apartment right on Sea level, that I am broadcasting today. Thank you for coming onboard. Thank you for visiting Ulysses V. It’s always a thrill to have new readers reading my stuff. You have found the Prophet of the Internet and future Emperor of Texas.

Next month I will publish the amount of unique visitors I get to my site. It’s for dedicated readers only. So not that many. Still quite a few more than I thought. Where are they all coming from? I do socialize on quite a few networks and increasing at that -looking out for readers and the maid of my dreams – the Ultimate maid.

I scroll through profiles and intimately check out your characteristics when you are of the female gender. I am very difficult. I don’t want to be buried alive. Read on!

MY favorite actrice is Ellen Barkin. That doesn’t mean I only go for blonds just to give you an indication. My last ‘wifes’ were all different and all terrible and have made my life hell. So there is no difference in that. They were all suicidal, greedy and selfish type of women. Types that suck you out so badly that you wonder what barren Land hit you the next morning upon awakening. That doesn’t mean I didn’t bother for them. Still people are people and people suck real badly, especially some of them. Animals in that sense are far ahead of us.

The future Empress of Texas will be modest, unselfish, sexy, lovely, unique, abiding and most of all intelligent. Her main tasks will be comprised of cleaning, cooking, some secretarial work and some serious stuff! All this duty free. Basically all you have to do is let me write and make sure I can write more and write more and more and deliver pizzas if necessary when cash is lacking. As long as I can write. For the rest I don't give an inch.

Outside the weather is cloudy, cloudy and more clouds. The temperature is around 54 degrees Fahrenheit. Above me, it looks like some good old fashioned uncategorized Drizzle clouds right through the core of the day. It’s a humid afternoon reaching above 80%. The wind is blowing from the North and turning North-West at times, and turning even more, sometimes to the South. It’s some rain with intervals and more rain that is making the day. Make the best of your day ‘cos tomorrow never comes.

Meanwhile it’s not soaked or a dry day in course. Visibility is about 6 miles from where I can see, looking out on the North-East in the distance. No seagulls around. There used to be more. See A Wake Up Synopsis. Number 5.

I didn’t have much time lately. Had to do some tests and things like that for the social services of this country. These people are weird. They really seem to think I can’t work. They are trying to make a point out of it. It’s not my fault that I have a 220IQ when properly woken. That’s the electricity voltage around here I am talking about!

My only problem is I have a nine year gap in my curriculum. Doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing nothin’ all that time. The contrary is true. I am always busy, always on the run, always, always something to do. These social security people are really weird. From which Planet cometh thou? Definitely not this Galaxy. I won’t let myself be boxed in. I have got much too much life experience that I want to share and will share.

The Netherlands is in that sense a country that doesn’t like its citizens to take any kind of responsibility. They don’t like people who can think for themselves. it’s not like in the U.S. where competitiveness is appreciated not to be the best, just to be an improvement to The Worlds in general, whatever that is, in whatever way you can. It’s the opposite of the U.S. around here. It’s a shame how they let people rot on the social services. That you are an Artist doesn’t mean you can’t work. On top of that it’s not only the social security people who think like that. So do many of the employers. That’s the main mentality these days are possessed with. They want to categorize you.

These are all, old categories invented by the female gender in order to minimize their pain in Life. They don’t want to see you on the job ‘cos they get stimulated badly.

You can read all about it in my apoplectic apocalyptic work of Art called Old junk new junk. The categories that the female gender have invented will eventually be the downfall of man, mankind, humanity and the Planet. The female gender is the reason for the existence of the mechanical world view. It all started when the male gender started listening to the female gender. The female gender is only concerned with procreation and cannot think for the better of the group. That’s why the Planet is slowly been run down. The future of the Planet can only be ensured by obedient and caring loving maids that do not question the simple basics of Nature. Never reason with the female gender. She only has one craving. That’s to carry your child. If she cannot achieve to that goal, she will make as much destruction as possible around you. The female gender must be Forced back to her loving obedient caring nature which takes care of her spouse and makes sure he is an improvement to The Worlds. That's not so difficult. Women emancipation movements are a disgrace to humanity in general and make more victims than happy women.

Let’s get back on topic. I always get carried away. This entry is about my new design called Dark Typewriter. It’s the new layout for my site. Hereunder you can see the old template designed by Douglas Bowman called Dark Minima and adapted by the Blogger team to Minima Black. Already I had chosen different fonts. Still it’s a very good design.

I upgraded Dark Minima/Minima Black to last a little longer. The original design by Douglas Bowman is really good. However it is a little outdated now. My new name for it is Dark Typewriter(DT).

Basically it’s meant to look Oldskool and still be able to comply with the sharing networks and use the latest grills of Google and other places. It’s meant to last a little while. It’s meant to look ASCII kind of style, not flashy or anything like that.

I tweaked the original interface of the old template. It’s already been done of course. You can download a three way or four way template ready made. I did it my way -the hard way! I actually bothered to see what was under the hood of Google’s Blogger engine and how to communicate with it. Well, more or less. I also assumed a lot of things.The engine is quite an achievement on itself. Google’s Blogger is quite good, free and getting better all the time. My template has more variables than the ones you can download and can be heavily customized.

Basically the template is an XML file that speaks to the Blogger engine in a simplified language. That’s the whole point of the XML file. You don’t need to talk in machine language. You use an interpreter's jargon that communicates with a part of the engine. My template has about 15 new variables in it plus many other adaptations. All you have to do is declare them and execute them, in the code within the template, which I of course have done, else you wouldn't be reading this. The main difference with the old template is that you can choose fonts, colors and sizes in three different wrappers plus many other minor important tweaks, without having to change the entries. Some of them can be customized through the interface. Some you have to do manually. To achieve that I looked how they did it in the newly released templates and compared code.

It’s thanks to my BASIC and Python and HTML scripting that I could do that. It’s also just a question of comparing code. That’s the main thing. Once you understand the basics of programming. You can adapt yourself to any language. Even if it's just through an interpreter. It’s just advance HTML scripting.

Basically it comes to this. You can add variables to it and make wrappers at high speed plus many other commands that you can use. You never talk directly to the engine. Scripting languages are based on BASIC kind of programming languages with easier graphical commands. They are JavaScript type of languages which is just BASIC adapted to webpages with much more internal memory.

So in other words the XML file speaks a simplified language through an interpreter to Google’s Blogger engine. Probably a series of executables linked to a series of libraries on their servers. Well, what else?

It’s not that complicated at all and could easily be reproduced. I always think if they would upgrade the BASIC .EXE file which is tiny to be able to have more internal memory, you could easily program an engine like Blogger’s through it. A long time ago I programmed in QBASIC a word processor which is much more complicated than a blog. The main QB file is 272kb. That’s really nothing. Its only shortcoming is that you cannot DIM much.

Bill Gates was not crazy when he said:’No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer’ in the early seventies or something like that. It's all contested of course if he actually said that. He just forgot that it’s all about RAM and it’s exactly that which would need increasing. Without multimedia and just text based application he was right. He should have said the opposite. You can understand that he got it wrong. The main idea he got right. The reason for the increase in RAM is that the memory is used for multimedia. So they have to DIM much more. Programs can be written on a tiny .EXE file like QBASIC. It’s ideally suited for webapplications, if it had been upgraded. BASIC is still used in mobile phones for menus just like Blogger’s entries basically. Bill Gates is also quoted for:'The internet is just a passing fade'. This however is unlikely unless The End of the times are reaching.

Also I added a couple of gadgets. As few as possible. You can translate directly the page from within the blog for example. Or share it through the net. It’s all very easy on this blog. Also sharing to Facebook, Feedburner and Twitter is now possible. On the surface there is almost no difference with the old template except that it’s Three Ways. Still the user can go any direction with it. It’s as he wishes. It doesn’t at all have to look like my blog. To improve it more would only make the original concept lost.

Google's new templates were not to my liking. I thought the old ones were more subtle. Of course that’s just a question of Oldskool or new Oldskool templates. Not really much difference in Skools. So better stick to the old ones. That’s why I bothered to upgrade dark minima to Dark Typewriter. My new name for the template. 

If you are into bogging and think this design is good, you can download it here. It will be constantly upgraded as I make some minor changes. Yours doesn’t at all have to look like my blog. Eventually it will be 4 columns I think. I don’t have time right now and also I miss writing new stuff most. You can change almost anything in it through the interface or by changing minor code. Just search for relevant subjects to that end in any search engine for that and adapt the code. All you need is a bit of HTML experience. I you can make a simple website then adding variables to Blogger is just expanding your mind.

As I finish it, so will the template be upgraded. It will always look like the blog you are seeing at this moment in front of you and can be found under the label Dark Typewriter. The .XML will always be reflecting the blog you have in front of you.

This blog is about writing not computers. Still it helps to make it more enjoyable for the reader. Also don’t forget to share my blog. I am always thrilled to have new readers. Next month I will publish how many unique visitors I get. It’s more than I thought. Where are they all coming from? You can email darth ghost at his spam box to start with. It’s written in my profile. I do answer emails when I have time.

Thank you for reading my stuff. I love to write and to share and to read other people’s stuff as well, which I haven’t done enough lately. Gotta get back right into it.

The weather forecast ahead of its time in case I don’t manage another entry just before midnight. A quick check at my window gives us this result:

Tomorrow the 21th of June 2010, Amsterdam weather should be a little warmer. The temperature around noon should rise to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, the wind  blowing from the North with quite some humidity. Looks like it’s gonna rain quite a bit, but less than today! All by all it’s should be an OK day. Nothing special and definitely not enough sun. Your plants, gardens, and balconies, however will appreciate it. Visibility is difficult to predict. Don’t forget to come back every day for the weather forecast as I get back to writing.

Tonight probably no poem just before midnight. If you are into Poetry don’t forget to read some of mine on The latest ones are unfinished. Still they are worth reading. Also there are many other great Poets there.

This has been darth ghost broadcasting on this Godly Sunday all the way from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, wishing you a very pleasant day. Thank you for visiting Ulysses V –The Ultimate Gateway to the Stars -The Texas Space Port for Your Soul. Thank you for coming onboard. Don’t forget to tell your friends about my blog. Its location is Google Webservers: God Bless &See ya around.

Friday, June 11, 2010

at 09:02

A Wake Up Synopsis. The Eleventh


It’s zero seven hundred hours local time for Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It’s the start of a new day for me! Been looking for a job, so no time for writing. Besides, had quite a few other things to do lately. Outside the weather is pleasant. The humidity is high and the wind is blowing from the South. The temperature is around 62 degrees Fahrenheit as I write this down and increasing. Visibility is about 10km. It’s a mixture of clouds and some sun that is gonna dominate the day. All by all it's a pleasant June day whence working with not too much sun. A lazy day that takes care of itself. You don’t have to do nothing except go through it as best you can. Make the best of your day ‘cos tomorrow never comes.

Welcome onboard Ulysses V. The Ultimate Gateway to the Stars. My name is darth ghost. I am your host for the day, your Poet Fulminous and Beatnik Superior, the Mason of Art, The Prophet of the Internet, your one and only Evil Kanival of literature, that’s gonna rollercoast a couple of words for you, that’s gonna carve for you combination of letters onscreen with his tools of technology. Basically a state of the Art keyboard with an inbuilt piano in it!

Here in the Netherlands we are in an economic crisis. Still there is quite some money around. You wonder sometimes where it’s all coming from? People complain too often. On the other hand the job market ain’t that good. That is a fact. Still this is nowhere near a developing country. I can tell you that.

When you look around it is shocking to see the consumer society that has been developed around here. Even I sometimes fall for it. It’s all about gadgets and how many you can get. Durability of products is the future. Still not many people seem to care. Although there are many who do. That should also not be forgotten.

I have shifted to the right of the political spectrum lately. That doesn’t mean one cannot be Green. The contrary is true. Durability is for everybody and the left definitely does not have a trade mark on it. Often they make more disasters than good and create more confusion than necessary.

The left dear readers is mainly concerned with satisfying people. Even the Green parties are. That’s why ideally I would have voted for a Green Right party. They don’t exist. People suck and are mainly constituted of Greed.

Greed dear readers is what is destroying this planet. You can read more about it in Season 2’s A Wake Up Synopsis. Just click on the label with the same name under this entry and you will get all of them. I actually bothered to label the whole lot. You can also click the shortcut hereabove or just start at the beginning of Season 2 and click on Google’s button called Newer Post after each entry. There are many inbetween entries. It’s all very easy on this blog. Don’t forget to tell your friends about my small dodgy enterprise called Ulysses V.

Greed dear readers has a very simple result to it. (i.e.) The planet is slowly being run down.

I voted for The Animal Party in the latest elections here in The Netherlands, a couple of days ago. Society can be judged by the way it treats its animals. That's a phrase I coined! or not? I can't remember. It makes sense anyway. Even a child can understand it.

The Animal Party
managed to keep their 2/150 seats in Parliament in these hard times, where people are mainly concerned with the job market and tax revenues. That’s a very good achievement. Also D66 a teacher’s party right in the middle of the political avenue managed to gain quit a few voters. Let’s hope the new government will be constituted on the right and will keep the labor party out. Although not likely. Good news is the new PM should be from the VVD! Something that hasn't happened for a long time.

Labor is not at all concerned with durability of anything and only concerned with satisfying people and keeping the status quo that is running down the planet to destruction. That’s all I am going to say about politics for the time being. Politics suck. Eventually we should get rid of the Democratic system. The Democratic systems ensure us confusion and corruption. It’s just another nuisance that is profiting the mobsters basically. It’s made to confuse us and keep us busy.

You are reading the stuff of the Stars, the stuff of darth ghost future Emperor of Texas. Texas dear readers is the cradle of civilizitation.

You can read all about it in my apoplectic apocalyptic 27 part work of Art called The Fifth Dimension, later to be renamed Red Dirt Green Dirt whence I will have reworked it into a Drama. It’s just a quick draft coming out of my very own qwerty keyboard written on an other planet at high speed. If you can rise yourself to Red Dirt Green Dirt, you will become a more happy and responsible citizen of this Planet. Basically I am Green liberal with a spiritual element out of life experience. I do believe in the let live and let die philosophy, based on charity, not on government help. Charity should take over. I despise the new left, new labor kind of politics. Good intentions make deep wounds. I don’t know who said that? Besides new labor is basically spin doctoring at the expense of the environment. Even the most most right-winged liberals don’t fall that low. That’s a fact.

Also if you are a Dutch reader don’t forget to read Diaquintalogen. It’s entertaining and gives you an insight into my obnoxious set of mind when I was slightly younger and less experienced. It’s basically a romantic layout out of desperation and seeking new paths in Life.

The amount of material published on this blog is hard to keep up. There are many more things I have to do and interests I have. If you are into Poetry don’t forget to read some of my poems on A great site with a popup! I just love advertisement. Everybody has his weaknesses.

I have had too many things to do, to answer emails from some of my very very beautiful female readers and darth ghost is looking around seriously for the maid of his dreams. Together we are gonna make this world a better place! I haven’t found the time at this moment to answer all the emails I received. So, maybe today I answer a couple.

On top of everything I need a maid, a secretary and a cheerleader from The Amarillo Dusters, preferably, for some serious stuff. Ohhh! Goddamn. I need them all.

If you are in a free spirited Texas mood don’t forget to listen once in while to Radio Free Texas. Some of it is good, especially in the evening. There is beautiful song from singer/songwriter Shad Blair called Falling Down.

Independence for Texas will eventually make me emperor of the Galaxy. If you want to understand U.S. federalism don’t forget to read A Wake Up Synopsis part 6. It describes how darth ghost is gonna plant the next Governemetal body for this Planet in the middle of the Texas dessert. From thereon the whole Planet is to follow.

The weather forecast for tomorrow, Saturday the 12 of June 2010. A quick check at my window gives us this result:

Amsterdam weather is quite humid lately, which is pleasant as long as the sun is out, which is not enough the case. Tomorrow very much like today. The temperature should rise to about 69 degrees Fahrenheit, the wind blowing reasonably strongly from the North-West and turning. All by all it a pleasant day on the feel with one shortcoming. Not much sun. Visibility should be around 11km at noon.

That's all for now folks! Gotta do some reading, emailing, some shopping and some social calls later! Tonight probably no poem just before midnight. Too busy.

Don't forget to come back everyday for the latest wake up call in fashion and style, in Prayer and God, in spirit and meditation, in sculpture and painting, in music and poetry in everything ever conceived by your favorite polymath.

This has been darth ghost Texan in heart from Texas, broadcasting all the way from Amsterdam, the Netherlands next to the North Sea, wishing you a very pleasant and fruitful Friday, a holly day for the Muslims. Thank you for visiting Ulysses V. The Texas Space Port For Your Soul. Thank you for visiting the Battlestar! Don’t forget to tell your friends about my blog. Its location is Google Webservers: God Bless& See ya around.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

at 11:09
Here is a quick election advice for the 9th of June 2010. darth ghost is gonna vote for The Animal Party. Society can be judged by the way it treats its animals.

Other alternatives to Green Right are SGP, D66 and VVD. My voting advice is based on my life experience not on big bucks. The other parties are just a bunch of greedy leftist corrupted mayhem.

There is also a referendum for people who live in West for building a garage up to 800 cars next to the Marnixbad. darth ghost is gonna vote NO. It's funny that it's only for people who live in West. It concerns the whole city. Typical corruption politics. It would increase the amount of cars to an unacceptable level around there. It's too much in the city. They should build their garages further away from the center. Next to the A10 Ring for example. People can take the public transport from there. Also if you live in Amsterdam, what's the point of having a car? unless you are elderly, handicapped or have to work very far away from Amsterdam. There should be some kind of licensing for that. You can get anywhere in Amsterdam in about ten minutes by bicycle or within an hour by public transport even up to Schiphol.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

at 23:06

A couple of words about Mevlana

I was in the Mevlana Osho Community today. I go there for the evening meditation. Very often people seek my attention. I am not interested in most of you at all. Many of you I know from the past and you are still the same corrupted bunch. I seek new people. People who are not slaves to their petty feelings. There are some improvements though. New sannyasins for example seem to have the right spirit in life. Still they are very immature.

I go there for meditation. Meditation is like a Prayer to me. It is a holly part of my day. Please be that courteous not to seek my attention. I don't seek yours. Sannyasins for most of them are just a bunch of easy riders or idiots. That's my opinion. I am sometimes shaken by the lack of spirituality in Mevlana.

Elections 2010


Elections coming up here in The Netherlands.

Here is a quick election advice for tomorrow the 9th of June 2010. darth ghost is gonna vote for The Animal Party. Society can be judged by the way it treats its animals.

Other alternatives to Green Right are SGP, D66 and VVD. My voting advice is based on my life experience not on big bucks. The other parties are just a bunch of greedy leftist corrupted mayhem.

Muslims should also start some political party instead of voting for some corrupted labor party or some crap Christian party which they usually vote for. Muslims have many Texas values and are very moderate people. When they will become more Green they will be an even bigger improvement to the World in general.

Don't go for anything left. You'll regret it even if you won't notice it. The Left dear readers ensures that the Planet is heading for destruction. They are an insult to human intelligence. Goddamn communists. All of them. The only thing they are good in is making sure we are heading for destruction and to create more confusion. They are a bunch of terrorists.

Been looking for a job, so no time for writing. Got to get back into the working process which ain't that easy in this country. It's mainly based on how obedient and brainwashed you are.

This has been darth ghost all the way from Amsterdam, The Netherlands wishing you a very enjoyable Tuesday the 8th of June. Thank you for visiting Ulysses V. The Texas Space Port For Your Soul. God Bless & See ya around. Maybe tonight an entry if I can find the time for it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

at 18:50

A Wake Up Synopsis. The Tenth


My name is darth ghost. I am your Poet Fulminous and you have found Ulysses V. You have reached the Gateway to the Stars. You have accessed The Texas Space Port For Your Soul. Texas is the cradle of civilization. Don't forget it. Art is for everybody. Art can ensure the future of the Planet. Art should be responsible as well. Else it is just profiting the mobsters of this planet. Art is very often destructive nowadays and does not really incite to anything good. Under all this is greed. Greed dear readers is what is destroying this planet. Greed dear readers leads to chemicals. When you understand that chemicals lead to unhappiness in your private life, you will soon start following the path of Righteousness. You will have found the path of darth ghost. Others lead mainly to loopholes and disappointment. Only paths that lead to a Natural life are worth following.I have had a slight fever lately. It’s three quarters gone. I am almost immune now. It is always best to let Nature take its course even though not always easy.

I have had some emails criticizing me again. Let me remind you. I don’t give f*ck for your petty feelings and if you are suicidal, desperate or anything like that, that’s cos you are doing something wrong. All I have to say about it, is look inwards and find a solution. It’s not difficult or let yourself be helped by spiritual people. Only they can help you. The regulars dear readers are just gonna make a zombie out of you. You have been disappointed in life and your feelings have taken over your life. Meaning look into them and have the courage not to blame others for your misgivings. That’s the only thing that works dear readers. I am speaking from experience. I should have been dead a long time ago. I have survived more than you. I know that for a fact.

As I told you I have been seriously hampered in my life in the past by a bunch of morons, greedy suicidal suckers who have lost the basic natural gifts given to us by God and Nature and don’t even attempt to get them back. Still it’s not by blaming them that you get anywhere in Life. That doesn’t mean that you should do nothing. The contrary is true. You should do your utmost to choose your friends properly. For that courage is needed in life.

God dear readers is following Nature in all it’s grandeur. God dear readers is being an Asset to the World to your utmost capacity. God dear readers is a spiritual quality that is alive in all his offspring. God dear readers is not about good and bad. I have come across many addicts in my life. I myself had quite a few struggle with alcohol. That is putting it modestly. By the age of 30 I was almost dead. I have overcome it by letting myself be helped non-chemically and through reflection and responsibility.

I have even spent some time in regular psychiatry and have refused medication. I saw how people were lost there, were brainwashed to becoming children again and not to learn how to take any responsibility. That is even worse then just letting them die off. They are basically walking zombies. They are brainwashed into believing that they can never again achieve anything on this Planet. That is a serious crime. I am for the complete annihilation of psychiatry. Everybody has some Godly quality in him and it can be revived. Doesn’t matter what it is. For me jail and psychiatry was a wake up call to what world we live in. Instead of medication people should be lead back to God. God is making sure you don’t fall for the vices of this world. God is not about prohibition or anything like that. God means you lead a Natural life and are of help to the Planet in whatever way you can.

I am not a religious fanatic or anything. I just come across so many desperate people and see what they lack. Feelings dear readers are like a knife with two sharp edges. Meaning they can be used against you. In psychiatry dear readers that is the case. Psychiatry is in breach of many treaties signed on this planet. That’s why dear readers written law is Holly. In the U.S. they say the constitution is written by God. That’s what is meant by it.

Europe is a dirty place when it comes to Law. Unwritten law is a danger to humanity in general. Germanics were famous for unwritten law. Germans however have changed that after The Second World War. They were shaken by totalitarianism. Countries like The Netherlands and Denmark amongst others have not yet looked properly into the past. It’s all very totalitarian. The females have most of the saying around here. Still they are so unhappy. That is a very sad thing. The French are famous for written law even to the eventuality of convicting somebody innocent as long as it remains in the Law. Still that is not a good example. The Judge in question should have never been a Judge. It’ used by the anti written Law lobby. That’s not what I am talking about when I talk about the holiness of the Law. The Law should be simple. Written law ensures us protection from the mobsters who are destroying the planet. Basically it could be all comprised in a Constitution. It should just be comprised of some basic easy to follow guidelines based on freedom and responsibility. I am gonna write a basic constitution that can eventually get rid of all complications. Let me be your Prophet. Let me be your Law maker. Freedom and responsibility will be save-guarded in it. It will be Art basically.

Dear female readers, I appreciate your looks and breasts and emails, still do not attempt to tell me what to think. I know very well what I am talking about. I am still in the process of choosing my Ultimate maid. Soon the Empress of Texas will be next to me and together we will make this world a better place. The functions of the Empress of Texas will be comprised mainly of housekeeping, cooking, some secretarial work & some serious stuff! All this duty free.

This has been darth ghost Texan in Heart from Texas, wishing you a very Godly Sunday No time for more. Still some fever. I should be immune now. God Bless & See ya around.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

at 09:26

Slight fever. So taking a break from writing. Should be back in shape Monday or something like that. Thank you dear readers for reading my stuff. The last weeks the amount of readers has seriously increased. Precisely how many is difficult to tell. Still I am very happy with it. Don't forget to email once in a while.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

at 22:36

A Wake Up Synopsys. The Ninth


I have had some emails asking me to continue writing. People seem to feel supported by what I write. I am continuing. Once in a while I do need a little break. Also got to keep up with the expectancies of Society. So tonight just a quick one. I’ve got time for you. I’ve got minutes for you and some Ultimate words, Words that are gonna lift off your Soul to the next Dimension. The Fifth Dimension.

Lets start with the weather. It’s a beautiful evening. A little bit of wind that seems on the eye quite Southern. The Tree in front of my house indicates it. Almost no clouds and the temperature is around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity is pleasant. A very beautiful evening, slightly warm with the depth of the air not chilly and very pleasant and comforting.

Just a quick word to all my beautiful female readers. I can’t keep you all waiting for ever. I am gonna choose my Ultimate maid soon. Give me a little time please. I have so many beautiful readers that want me. So do I. Gotta choose one though. I am working on it. Soon darth ghost will have found his Empress, his Deity, his love and can’t wait for the serious stuff! You all give me no choice. I won’t keep you for ever waiting. Just a little time please. I need some clarity for that. Don’t forget I am the last male gender on this earth that’s gonna bring back some senses to your pumped out oppressed slave life. I am gonna make you Green all the way. Together we are gonna make the planet a better place. My Ultimate maid will be chosen soon.

Today I went for some meditation again and got intuned with the Lord. Meditation is a Prayer to the Ultimate. It helps finish off your day in Peace and tune up for the next day.

We are all Artists deep down. Our Art can ensure a better Planet. When we create we are also intune with the Lord. We are intune with Nature and Pray to the Universe as a whole. Also thank you to all who come here. It is a Communion that we are making at this very untimely moment. We are making history together. We are gonna change the face of this Earth. We are gonna plant happiness all over the place.

Whence we Pray to the Ultimate we become more natural and stop playing the stupid games of society, then life starts making sense. Of course nobodies is perfect and sometimes, there are a few struggles. Thank you for bearing with me, for taking up with me. I sometimes do not show enough my gratitude. I am thankful to you, that you make it possible for me to share with you, that you read my stuff. I can feel you right through the Internet, right through the air waves and all your emails help me make this blog a place worthwhile.

I love to write, I love to share and I am proud that you read my stuff and I know it helps make this Planet more Green. I am just starting. This blog is gonna get big. I guarantee you that. Soon I will be off the social security. If you have a job for me please email me.

On top everything I am looking into how to get Shad Blair here in Europe so that he can share his great songs and voice and Texas Art. You can listen to his music on his website. Also don’t forget to listen to Radio Free Texas once in while. It also can help you free your mind of European slavery and incite you to lead a more Green life, to be more intune with Nature, with God and to bear a more authentic quality of Life.

Don’t forget to read the draft for my Green Drama called The Fifth Dimension. It’s the future and is a layout for saving the planet from its destruction. It’s gonna incite you in whatever way suited for you to make this world Greener. It’s the Ultimate that you are looking for. Ultimate is in. Ultimate is the future. Ultimate is gonna change the face of this Earth. Yes dear readers I am in love with more than one woman at the same time. I think I am gonna start a Harem. Euh!

Let us take a moment of Prayer a moment of Ultimate Glitch in this Untimely moment right through the Internet. Close your eyes and Pray for something good in whatever sense or way you can. Pray to the Ultimate. Abide and thou shall start making a difference.

Thank you for having confided in the Ultimate. I am your online-healer and you are my inspiration, my craving, my unrelentless wake up call to you. You make me so proud by confiding in me. You are helping make this Planet a better place. I am your Digital Guru that's gonna rock you to the next Dimension. The Fifth Dimension!

This entry is written in seconds for you to take advantage off and start spreading the word of darth ghost, Poet Fulminous and future emperor of Texas. Texas dear readers is the cradle of civilization. In Texas dear folks only your song, your Art will be remembered and that’s proof that you are a worthy inhabitant of this Planet.

No poem just before midnight today. Besides I first have too finish the ones I wrote down lately. Too busy and even this entry has come just out of the blue after some Prayer.

Today no lessons of Green. Just sharing and Celebration in a moment of Prayer. It’s a quick one. It’s the thunderbolt, the Evil Kanival of Art that has rollercoasted some words upon you screen as a token of gratitude to our Lord on this very important day, a day of celebration in the Year of our Lord on the second of June two-thousand and ten.

Just a quick check at my window gives us this result:

The weather forecast for tomorrow, Thursday the 3rd of June 2010 for Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It will be a party clouded, partly sunny day with temperatures rising to about 66 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind should be blowing from the East quite strongly, humidity levels should reach around 60%. Visibility is always difficult to predict. All by all it should a pleasant day on the feel.

You are reading the stuff of the Stuff, the stuff of the Stars, the stuff of darth ghost wishing you a very pleasant evening and a good night later. Thank you for visiting Ulysses V. Thank you for coming onboard everyday. Thank you for telling your friends about my small dodgy enterprise written for you on the spot out of my very own qwerty keyboard all the way from Battlestar Ulysses V, the next dimension in Art, the next Dimension in Science. Don’t forget to tell you friends about my blog. Its location is Google Webservers It’ the Texas Space Port For Soul that’s gonna lift you off to the next Spiritual Dimension ever achieved on Planet Earth. God Bless & See ya around soon.

Taking a break from my blog. No much inspiration at the moment and other things to do. Still got quite a few entries in a few days. I'll email you all when I start writing again. Maybe I also take some time to work out the latest poems I wrote on They were written in seconds and need some rewriting.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

at 14:36

A Wake Up Synopsis. The Eighth


Outside the weather not at all like I predicted. I woke up later than usual this morning. The weather is ashtrays lately. It’s unpredictable and not very pleasant. There is just a thin layer of clouds high above the noon. The temperature is moist and damp. No rain and almost no wind. Well, my prediction sucked real badly. I thought it would be raining. There ain’t no rain around here. Still it’s a moist and damp day. A little bit sweaty weather altogether. Maybe later some rain. Nothing special and even some thunder pressure around. It’s basically The Netherlands for you.

You have found Ulysses V. You have found the haven of Redemption. I am your Poet Fulminous named darth ghost. Today not much. Too much to do again.

I am not sure were to start today. Yesterday went for some meditation again. Took some time to get intuned with the Lord. Was very relaxing. Meditation is like a Prayer. Prayer ensures us a Green life as well. I have had quite some misadventure lately. People I know of the past are all flipped. People don’t know what they want or expect much too much very often and are too identified with their petty feelings. They seek friendship and are not friends with Nature. Feelings dear readers is what is destroying this planet. They are the bargaining chips for the mobsters. It's all being used against us.

Let’s get back to some basics! The female gender is the reason for the existence of the mechanical world view. You can read more about it in Old junk new junk. Don’t forget I speak experience and I can tell. Eventually it will be our downfall if we don't watch out. Still we must do our utmost to keep the damage minimal. That’s not what’s happening at this moment. The damage is grandiose. We can all laugh about it. In that sense we could use some redemption tears. All of you get some sense back.

The planet is slowly heading for destruction. It all started when the male gender started listening to the female gender. The female gender is unable to think for the group as a whole by her very own nature, procreation. The female must be contained until she is an improvement to The Worlds. It is sad to see the state of the female gender lately. Most of them are so unhappy. One wonders why? They seem to be missing the point altogether.

They have been brainwashed into believing tales of love. Animals in that sense are much smarter. They don’t think too much. Still they are happy.

Planet earth is like a garage and we are its mechanics. Our job is to ensure a good eco-system and lots of Green. For that we must follow Nature in all its grandeur. That’s the only way. I sound a bit grim today that’s ‘cos there is pressure in the air. It could thunder maybe later.

Society has slowly forgotten the basis of its fundament. You can read all about it in Old junk new junk. That’s why it is slowly disappearing. The mobsters are slowly taking over the place. They are in all colors, in all creeds of life. They are the mobsters. There is no easy remedy for this. That’s why I stick to some good old fashion values. Good old fashion values dear readers ensures the future. Greed dear readers is what is destroying this Planet.

I have been painting again. I need to create everyday. Just as I write I need to get something going everyday. I need also to incite you to a Green life. Eventually I will reach my millionth word and be able to take myself serious as a writer. Still nowhere near that. I am now distinguishing the people I socialize will. Most of them don’t take no responsibility whatsoever. Writing is like a painting for me. I have been criticized for it though. Even if get only one book on the shelves eventually I will be very happy about it. It’s the future that I am writing about. I write fast just as I paint. I make it a rollercoaster for you. It’s Poetry-Prose. It’s old fashioned and Modern at the same time. It’s gonna make this world Greener. Of course you have to care for something in life. That’s why you are reading my stuff. That’s why I have found you. You are reading my sculpture.

We live in a very destructive society inwhich its main goal is to satisfy its greed.

My name is darth ghost Texan in heart, from Texas. Thus far I have managed to gather quite a few readers. I can’t always keep up the amount here. Still thank you for your emails and for spreading the word. You have made me proud and incite me to further working on my Drama. Thank you for reading my stuff. Don’t forget to spread the word of darth ghost, Poet Fulminous, Poet Laureate of the dimensions. The one and only Ali of pulp that’s gonna bring back some senses to your pumped out oppressed slave life which thou calls Life. Artists help us to make a better world. That’s why Art should be compulsory in education. We are all Artists deep down. It ensures our offspring. Somebody that is not into creation is automatically a destructive force on the Planet.

No weather forecast today. No time. Thank you for visiting Ulysses V. Texas Space Port For Your Soul. God Bless & See ya around.

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