Saturday, November 24, 2012

at 15:52

Prelude to Ladders from God (5 songs)

These songs will not be on my cd, even though I am very happy with them. They are my first songs in many, many years.

Prelude – Movements of Paradise – Ladders from God

Song of Marvel

Song of Discovery

Song of Reflection and Joy

Song of Thought and Wonder

Singing is Dancing. Tone is Movement.

The playlist for my new cd, which will be called”Movements of Paradise – Ladders from God” can be listened to on this link :

Youtube playlist for ”Movements of Paradise – Ladders from God”

The cd should be ready in three days from now. As I write this the cd is 90% finalized.

_-_-_-_- Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_

From Facebook :

Benoît likes the 14th Dalai Lama. Benoît like Limitless

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

Once in a wile the Dalai Lama says some very meaningful stuff. This is definitely true. He makes a point, also, that everybody on the world wants to be the best. This is destroying the Planet and people. Once in a wile the Dalai Lama says some very meaningful stuff. This is definitely true. He makes a point, also, that everybody on the world wants to be the best. This is destroying the Planet and people.

A new entry has been published on"the Texian Space Port for your Soul!"

It's a packed entry containing my latest Chirbit called""A Chirbit for Chopin "The Rumi Show NR2"", amongst many other topics and interests.

It also contains my latest song, announcing my next CD, which will be dedicated to my new found Love. The one and only".........!" Her name is a kept secret until I finish the CD. The whole CD will be a dedication.

The new Chirbit is much shorter than"The Rumi Show NR1" which was a good two hours. There will be more Shows, lasting up to 20 minutes, not much longer then that, instead of very long Shows.

Don't forget to visit the Emperor of Texas' website once in a while.

Web address is : THE EMPEROR OF TEXAS . COM

It's the latest in ground breaking Art — all the Way to the Stars and back — that can be listened to, read off, watched and enjoyed, including Spirituality, a no-nonsense "Green Way of Life", anything that catches my attention, all meant to free YOU to a "Happy Art World!" and incite you to "Art as a Way of Life!"

My motivation for everything I create is very simple. I've been around for quite a while. Art is the only responsible Way to go through life. It gives you independence from suckers who don't have it in them to even create a speck of dust. Don't get fooled by politicians. They want to use you as slave labor for their earnings. Protest. Fight"The Mechanical World View!" Don't sponsor it.

Multi-talented Kathy Paysen, shares some beautiful Watercolor paintings with us, depicting events from around the world. An impression of hurricane "Sandy".Kathy Paysen Painting - "I wept for the East Coast today, I wept in water colors, from the bottom of my heart."”I wept for the East Coast today, I wept in water colors, from the bottom of my heart.” ~ Kathy Paysen

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

Jim Morrison, the Quintessential artist. I think if he didn't die so young, he would have been the greatest artist ever. He is not only about music. He would have change the face of the Earth, when it comes to modern Art. I am sure he had a lot to share for Humanity. He would have painted, experimented with new arts and many other things. I think he would have been a very positive influence on the World.

He died in a café/bar in Paris at only 27 years old. If he would have hold on just a little longer, he would have survived. I didn't check if they corrected his death. He didn't at all die in a bath. He was put there after he had a heart attack in the café/bar due to heavy drug use. The owner of the café /bar was afraid that it would affect his sales, amongst other things, so he and a couple of others, brought him back to his lodgment and put him in a bath. The police cooperated in falsifying the place of death. I think it was recently cleared as a fact. Parisians know this of course.

Jim Morrison, the Quintessential artist. I think if he didn't die so young, he would have been the greatest artist ever. He is not only about music. He would have change the face of the Earth, when it comes to modern Art. I am sure he had a lot to share for Humanity. He would have painted, experimented with new arts and many other things. I think he would have been a very positive influence on the World.

Thanks for passing by, everybody on my Fb, off my Fb, around my Fb, whatever. It's great to have listeners, Friends, Art lovers, everybody that likes the Creation going on around the World!

Don't forget to listen to my latest songs on Youtube. Web address is :

The Benoit4u's Channel

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

Lord Ganesha, the Hindu Elephant God. I was brought up with his statues and paintings all around for a couple of years. I always have to think of”The Elephant Man”, a movie by David Lynch, based on a true story. This one is difficult to prove though, because Hindus sometimes have Animals as Gods, like Hanuman a Monkey God. This is my version.

Lord Ganesh - I always have to think of”The Elephant Man”, a movie by David Lynch, based on a true story. This one is difficult to prove though, because Hindus sometimes have Animals as Gods, like Hanuman a Monkey God. This is my version.

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

The at 65 years old deceased Miles Davis, the one and only. I met him in 1989. I feel lucky. I listened to a lot of his music in my life. He died at his retirement age so to speak. Very symbolical. He was a man, having gone through a lot. Nobody on this World, ever equaled his trumpet playing. I love him. He is my favorite musician all times.

The at 65 years old deceased Miles Davis, the one and only. I met him in 1989. I feel lucky. I listened to a lot of his music in my life. He died at his retirement age so to speak. Very symbolical. He was a man, having gone through a lot. Nobody on this World, ever equaled his trumpet playing. I love him. He is my favorite musician all times.

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

The greatest all time!Muhammad Ali - The greatest all time!

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

I love Paris Hilton, the most underestimated, and unlucky blonde in the world!I love Paris Hilton, the most underestimated, and unlucky blonde in the world!

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

Rumi is so great. I used to read a lot of his Poems. They are indeed sacred. Helped me go through some difficult times.Rumi is so great. I used to read a lot of his Poems. They are indeed sacred. Helped me go through some difficult times.

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

This woman changed the history of the World! One of the first feminists. If we are all so happy with it, I am not sure. I did enjoy her book"To the Lighthouse". Feminists are dangerous. How could she know?

Virginia Woolf - This woman changed the history of the World! One of the first feminists. If we are all so happy with it, I am not sure. I did enjoy her book"To the Lighthouse". Feminists are dangerous. How could she know?

Once in a while some updates appear from my favorites, in Fb. I thought it was time to give them some attention.

Animals are unique and when extinct, cannot be brought back in any way!Elephant (WWF) - Animals are unique and when extinct, cannot be brought back in any way! The “World Wide Fund for Nature” formerly called “The World Wildlife Fund” aka WWF.

Once in a while I receive some complaints. Seriously folks. Get a life. I don't care about your problems, dreams and ambitions. You are tripping. The other is not the problem. Materialism leads to nowhere. Don't take others for granted. Make yourself happy. Life is what you make out of it. Don't complain afterwards. Live by this simple principle and you will be happy. Don't get fooled by politicians. We are not at war and you have no obligations whatsoever. Those in search of power are sick. Everybody knows that. You can change the world simply by making yourself happy. It's as simple as that. Fight for your rights. When you are in dire straits, stop complaining. Visit your local spiritual alternatives in your neighborhood. Meditation for example is a great way to get back to some sense. Art too. Combined even better. It's your birthright! Don't get fooled by society. It has no true medicine for anything. It wants you to betray the truth 'cos it has betrayed it. It wants to make you greedy so that you become a pawn of the mechanical world view. They don't know better. You do. Don't sponsor society.

A Chirbit for Chopin "The Rumi Show NR2" has been released. Don't forget to listen to it!

If it doesn't start in Fb, here's the direct link :

Chopin song from the Chirbit :

You can also find everything on this link : ttp://

All my Chirbits can be listened to at this web address :

Right now I am announcing a Radio Silence! Some new songs for my new CD will be released very shortly from now. Season 8 is gonna be the greatest so far! It's called"Ladders from God"

Dear readers, listeners, folks, everybody that comes across my Fb, thanks for passing by. I stopped adding people to it 'cos I can't keep up with everything that gets published. It's great to share and incite each other to some serious Art, to share, whatever.

Here's my latest song. It's a success! I am not used to get so many listeners in a week. So, I take it as a good sign, that I am on the right track. It's the beginning of a new phase in my life. I finally got to playing music again. My new CD will have synthetic piano. At least that’s the idea. Basically the idea is inspired on Dancing and Gurdjieff music. I go Dancing almost every day (when I don’t, I feel really bad), something that really keeps me together. So the idea of the CD is to create a modern Dance expression. I am not sure it’s really Dance yet. At least it is visual. I've just started playing piano. So, got to get used to it. It is a miraculous instrument, that goes all directions!

I played all weekend, so I will record some stuff tomorrow. See if I get anything added to the "Prelude". The whole CD is a dedication to my new found Love. Her name is a kept secret until I finish it. Don't forget that you too, are an inspiration! All my Fb Friends are an inspiration. And yes, I Love you all. I am not a difficult person. For what?

There is some serious Art on Fb, often better than what main stream Artist have to offer. Don't get fooled. Technique doesn't mean anything. To get something TOGETHER does! Anything. A project, whatever.

Don't forget to listen to my latest Audio Show. It's called""A Chirbit for Chopin "The Rumi Show NR2"". Thanks for passing by. It's great to have you onboard! :

Right, so a new Radio Silence, has been announced again until I get some new songs on Youtube. Means I am just gonna play some "Piano". Gotta improve my technique, so that I more easily can express what I gotta say! A new recording session is planned in a couple of days from now, with new songs! Thanks for listening.

Also don't forget to listen to my latest Chirbit on the Chirbit network. Web address is :

It's called""A Chirbit for Chopin "The Rumi Show NR2"" and lasts around twenty minutes. Something like that. Thanks for passing by and listening. It's great to have you onboard!

_-_-_-_-End of Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_
Map picture

That’s it for today folks. God Bless. darth ghost's ChirbitsThank you for this Blessed day!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

at 09:37

A Chirbit for Chopin “The Rumi Show NR2”

“The Rumi Show NR2” has been released here above! It’s an Audio Show!

As my next song is almost finished, here's an old sound that still sounds modern. I am basically just getting back into it and recording some basic improvisations. Just one track to start. I might add a couple of instruments later, to polish it off. Not much. My first CD will be quite different from the next ones, as I improve every f*ckin' day. I am now playing piano for 4 month(about an hour a day, sometimes more, usually two) and am quite happy with how it's going.

Before that I used to play some guitar. Not an easy instrument. Sometimes I could make it speak though. I gotta get my piano speaking and yes sometimes it does. So what am I talking about? I shifted. It's more easy to compose on a piano and somehow you can more easily convey your world with it. Guitar remains an unbelievable instrument nevertheless. You can bend on it for example. I need to get a pedal(I am not even sure they are meant for that. I have choice of two, so one must be for bending notes!) There is a wheel as well, which leaves a hand less. When I get seriously better I would love to give impro-concerts. And no I don't need many listeners, as long as they are the right ones.

CDs are great and seriously help people relax and enjoy. Musicians are often just an annoyance, and are not even that good. It's not so difficult to be a good musician. You need to suffer a bit in life and share it, in joy and expression, whatever. You need to show people the Way to Heaven on Earth, make them relax and in tune. It's not that difficult.

What I like to play is just a basic tune and improvise to the Stars and back, with it. To get a modern Jazz/Classical sound, whatever. Try to capture the moment and share it. My mini studio is perfect for that. It can record up to a sampling frequency of 192.000 KHZ in 24-bit mode and does.

I am checking different composers and piano musicians. I used to listen quite a lot of Mozart, Chopin and many others. There are many interpreters. This is diminishing. People are fed up of playing other people's music. Still it's nice they did. Like this some get a first taste of music. It's recommended by society!

I am sure Chopin could play all the way to the Stars and back. He must have improvised on his compositions. Such aestheticism. Nowadays music goes much further than that. Basically tone is the most important thing you gotta have. Ignore the capture(a man who wrote poems on his piano). He just played some "piano". People are full of nonsensical ideas.

Some of my songs can be listened to on Youtube:


I am not meeting the deadline. Sorry folks. Some "society obligations" came in between. I'll get back to Season 8 when I find time again. In the mean time don't forget to hear my new song. It’s the Prelude of a my CD which will be called”Ladders from God”.

Movements of Paradise – Dance Choreography (Prelude) – Ladders from God


Should improve as"I MOVE ON." Inspired on Gurdjieff and Russian Ballet.

The idea is to create a new dance movement for modern classical ballet, where Dancers lose touch with the Earth and let God take over in expressive and subtle and surrealistic movements of music un-played yet, ladders from God, so to speak, from within the conception of the Universe in harmony with the natural Duality of Life- WAR. In all it's aspects. It's beauty and majesty. It's tone and creativity. It's pitch and elevation!

Best is to close one's eyes for this Dance and imagine it, or even dance on it and perform it. The performance of it is non-essential in theory. You are the Dancer in peace and tranquility, moving in a natural plant-like awakening-style, for this Prelude, in natural colors and material(s). A décor of surrealistic, strong colors, and cloth-like symbolism(s). You are the one Dancer, surrounded by an other(s). A festival of Jazz and Classical notes, in a quality of God, with your Story of Life in it. Your addition to Life! Your enlightenment to God.

This is the Prelude.

All this will be on my next CD to come! Recorded at Venusync Studio(VSRecord), Amsterdam, the Netherlands on a Medeli SP-5500 stage piano.

Kathy Paysen wrote”Really unique and different ... I see a lot of potential in your art.”

B.A.D. wrote”Kathy, words fall short! You know I love everything you create.”

Maria Celeste Garcia and others like my new song.

B.A.D. Wrote”It’s great to get some feedback! Am happy you like the song.”


Once in a while I receive some complaints. Seriously folks. Get a life. I don't care about your problems, dreams and ambitions. You are tripping. The other is not the problem. Materialism leads to nowhere. Don't take others for granted. Make yourself happy. Life is what you make out of it. Don't complain afterwards. Live by this simple principle and you will be happy. Don't get fooled by politicians. We are not at war and you have no obligations whatsoever. Those in search of power are sick. Everybody knows that. You can change the world simply by making yourself happy. It's as simple as that. Fight for your rights. When you are in dire straits, stop complaining. Visit your local spiritual alternatives in your neighborhood. Meditation for example is a great way to get back to some sense. Art too. Combined even better. It's your birthright! Don't get fooled by society. It has no true medicine for anything. It wants you to betray the truth 'cos it has betrayed it. It wants to make you greedy so that you become a pawn of the mechanical world view. They don't know better. You do. Don't sponsor society.

_-_-_-_- Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_

From Facebook :

B.A.D. likes Caught Inside. B.A.D. loves Kathy Paysen’s paintings and wrote”Beautiful painting Kathy ... You definitely got some modern style in you ... A beautiful blending ... Very modern ... I think all you art is divine ...

Here's some beautiful piano music by Duke Ellington himself. If only he had sticked to piano, he would have been the greatest piano musician ever. The man had a lot to do. Entertain a whole circus of musicians for his Big Band! He dropped his own musical career for it.

This is the kind of sound I envisage, even further than that, much further. Sometimes I play like this, very sometimes, with some Balkan influences through it. I am getting there slowly. Hear for yourself what piano is meant to sound like. There are many piano improvisers who play really well in the world. They are usually on some kind of B-label. This how I like "piano".

Rösler piano - A gift from Heaven

Although, I like modern, I must say I am lucky to play on this piano, once in a while. A real piano! A gift from Heaven, so to speak. It's not mine, nor does it need to be. Pianos are quite rare. I also like to mix, so my stage piano is great for that. Synthetic sounds also have their quality. Piano is for everybody. It's not a particularly difficult instrument to play on and you can play anything on it. It's like an orchestra! I play it like old film music accompanying a movie. My movie. My movie in life inspired on the moment, by the pressure of the weather, the atmosphere surrounding, the time of the day, my own mood(philosophy and ethics) and everything that inspires me. Everybody can! It's seriously easy. Of course some basics are handy. Still the miracle is for everybody. You can do, just with your ears. All you gotta do is make a tune and improvise. Let the flow of the moment guide you through some serious Zen for yourself and to the enjoyment of others. Make your truth heard. Share your world. It's called "Jazz".

Dear Friends, listeners and alike. Here's a beautiful movie from "Down Under".

Australia makes some very serious movies(actually often the best of movies qua seriousness) and are often at the top of Art, by their realism and truthfulness, not forgetting simple esthetics called "reality". Yes, sometimes the stereotypes are true.

It's a beautiful movie full of life and suspense, surprisingly realistic to the bone!

An unbelievable movie, with no pretensions, making a difference to me! TO YOU. Don't forget to watch it!

Thanks for hearing my stuff, listening to my stuff, and letting others inspire you to the Twilight of Art! The darkest regions of your Soul!

Tomorrow, evening, the deadline will be met, a new Chirbit(Audio Show) will be released! "THE RUMI SHOW NR2", After that a new song for my CD will be released. Probably on Sunday or Monday.

Keep posted. Season 8 has seriously started!!!!!!!!

"I gotta write this down, as to meet my own deadlines! Damn it!"

Thanks for passing by and Creating true Art! That's the only thing that matters in this World! If we could all just Create true Art, the world would be a better place! Don't get fooled by politicians. They want you to be at WAR, so that they can use YOU as slave labor. PROTEST! FIGHT! MAKE TRUTHFUL ART AND SHARE IT! INCITE OTHERS TO ART! THAT'S WHAT MATTERS. 

B.A.D. wrote on “Caught Inside”’s Facebook page : “Amazing movie..... Who is Evil? She got him.”

Caught Inside wrote”she is doubt....... “

B.A.D. wrote”Thanks. The best movie I have seen in years. No doubt. One can simply fill in one's own version. I taught it was beautiful, truthful and realistic, to the bone! My version is, she is Evil.”

A new entry has been published on"the Texian Space Port for your Soul!"

It's called"Movements of Paradise – Opening Act – Ladders from God" and features my first recorded song in a decade. It's a short"Prelude" to get started.

I finally got to playing music again. It's relaxing. Not the technicalities! Having said that, I enjoy them too.

Next a "Chirbit"(Audio Show) and the continuing songs of my CD to come! Which will probably be called"Ladders from God"

Thanks for passing by. Enjoy "especially" a GREEN life. It is the most rewarding possibility on this Universe. Don't forget it! Chemicals lead to unhappiness dear readers. Everything that's not natural leads to unhappiness. Don't find it out before it is too late!

Once in a while I like to bring back an old entry of mine! You like DRAMA? I do!

Here's some serious dramatics. A delayed Winter and some promotion for my website. It's actually a 7 minute long commercial promoting my website. "THE EMPEROR OF TEXAS . COM" is thanks to search engines and keywords starting to become a success. It's of course not what I want it to be yet. Rupert Murdoch and Richard Branson are a joke!

If only we could get television OURS! You don't need much. It is the perfect stage for"A BETTER WORLD"

What better set to use than Vivaldi for his serious dramatics and unbelievable uncanny music! ....WINTER, from a free"Reader's Digest" CD.

Thanks for reading my stuff, hearing my stuff, and getting inspired! That's what matters to me.

Don't forget that a GREEN life is the most rewarding possibility in this Universe.

Season 8 has started! Ground control to YOU. Sit back, enjoy and fasten your seat belts. This is your Captain speaking. Thank you for comin’ onboard”the Texian Space Port for your Soul!

Season 8 will have some new compositions of mine and Chirbits(Audio shows) as well. I finally got a proper setup. Actually it’s a mini studio. Time is always the problem, so, that’s why I decided simply to improvise my new songs on the piano. I shifted from guitar as the basic instrument. Piano is so cool. You can paint on it landscapes unknown! My first song in years should be released within a month. After that, every month one original song, and furtheron my writings, poetry and all Arts. I FINALLY GOT TO PLAYING MUSIC AGAIN. I do the technicalities as well. I am your Artist Universalis, the one and only Emperor of Texas, the cradle of civilization, don’t forget it!Ulysses V Control StationFor all this to be possible I got myself a great stage piano(keyboard with an amazing 600 basic instruments, plus many more functions, 2nd hand at a bargain price of 3 hundred and 50 f*ckin’ expensive euros. Of course the MIDI controller(USf*kin’B and true), gives you an unlimited array through the computer. Still the inbuilt amplifier is great. So is its sound! What’s the catch? The woman from whom I bought it had no time to play on it. It’s great! Well, not really. This seems to be the future for all of us. Work and more work. Fuck the economy dear readers. Don’t let yourself be turned into slave labor. FIGHT. Protest, the politicians make you believe we are in Wartime. You can even play SALSA on it! Serious. An amazing instrument!Medeli SP-5500

_-_-_-_-End of Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_
Map picture

That’s it for today folks. God Bless. darth ghost's ChirbitsThank you for this Blessed day!


| Old junk new junk | A Wake Up Synopsis | Goodmorning | Season 4 | Season 5 | True Romance | Season 7 | Movements of Paradise - Ladders from God | Facebook |