Thursday, July 26, 2012

at 14:16

The Dark Typewriter Template Numéro 3

The Dark Typewriter Template Numéro 3 has been released. Click to see image overlay!

The picture you see is that of Kathy Paysen. The most gifted poetess in American English. Don’t forget to read my feature on her. Web address is :

Amendments: decorative (change the layout slightly), is now compatible with Blogger’s new image overlay (click the image to see), with the extra likes/share buttons under the posts, is now 100% compatible with Blogger’s new template designer introduced in 2010 using the “Advanced”-tab, including all the under-the-hood features.

The layout remains static at 1024 * 768 pixels. By now, almost all computers, have at least this resolution. 800 * 600 is starting to be something of the past. It looks good even on higher resolution. Not really needed to change it. Meaning it gives you a nice edging on the sides. Looks good. It can easily be changed from within the template itself to a different resolution. Only minor scripting skills are necessary here. This is explained within the template itself.

If you think the template must remain dark. This is not the case. You can  within a couple of seconds completely adapt it to your colors. Everything of it!

It can be downloaded via this link: Wake Up Synopsis. The Eleventh

History of DTT:

► I tweaked the template Minima Black which was originally called Dark Minima designed by Douglas Bowman. It’s such a great design he did!

Blogger changed its interface slightly with new templates. So, now was the time for a new adaptation. I changed it significantly. Also in design. My new name for it is the Dark Typewriter Template.

The most important new feature, besides it being three ways, is that you can use it with Blogger’s template designer introduced in 2010 using the “Advanced”-tab. With it you can fully customize the fonts, sizes, colors, hyperlinks from within the template designer WHEREVER YOU WANT + many more changes. I added many more variables that can be customized. More than thirty in total.

To change the screen layout you will still have to edit the template itself. As you see it is 200px + 470px + 260px for a 1024 * 768 layout. Margin is 12px. Just basic scripting skills are needed here. I didn't manage doing that. I compared the new templates and extracted what I could understand. The new screen layout is not really compatible.

Basically it’s meant to look Oldskool and still be able to comply with the sharing networks and Blogger's new adjustments. It’s meant to last a little while. It’s meant to look ASCII kind of style, not flashy or anything like that. It’s meant to look like an old text editor!

You can download the XML template via this link. You can read my article on it called ‘The Dark Typewriter Template II’ or my original article called ‘The Dark Typewriter Template!'

My XML template, as of 25.07.2012, was downloaded 411 times.Intermezzo:

If you think the template must remain dark. This is not the case. You can within a couple of seconds completely adapt it your colors —everything of  it!— using the “Advanced”-tab of Blogger’s Template Designer introduced in 2010.

_-_-_-_- Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_

From Facebook :

Benoît liked Overhetij Amsterdam (Over het IJ festival 2012).

A new entry has been published on”the Texian Space Port for your Soul!”
It features today the one and only Kathy Paysen. ‘Cos she is such a talented poetess this entry is still in redaction. You can’t just write about her. You gotta read her poems and feel them. She is the embodiment of her poetry. It is classic American poetry in the light of the great American poets and writers.

She brings to life the English language as never before with typical American topics in times of economic hardship and love hardship, which usually go hand in hand.

She brings God back to daily life as if he never had disappeared and the 20th century never had existed.

She makes you feel like modernism is a very relevant topic, without all the setbacks of yesterday! It is heartfelt and truly searching for solutions to the madness of this world with simple day-to-day and family oriented themes as well as adult themes, such as love and despair and love.

Her poems should be mandatory in every class-room.
Her poetry is that of another level!

Don’t forget to read my entry on her and especially to read her poems on her poetry blog. She is looking for a publisher! So a helping hand can’t hurt dear readers. 

A new entry has been published on the"Texian Space Port for your Soul!"

It's called"Japanese inspiration in July" and can be read via the link hereunder. Don't forget to read it!

As my website keywords say, this entry even contains"an electricity versus gas" environmental comparison and warning next to the regular inspirational dilatations on Art and "Art for the sake of art" as well as its amendments to the Soul!

"Ulysses V" — aka "The Gateway to the Staaaaaaars"— is the place where I publish all my art and the art of many others!


Over het IJ festival 2012. Review comin’ up + VIDEO as well. Here are some picture in the mean time:Over het IJ festival 2012

Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie
Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie
Over het IJ festival 2012 - FC Bergman - Terminator Trilogie

_-_-_-_-End of Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_
Map picture

That’s it for today folks. God Bless. darth ghost's ChirbitsThank you for this Blessed day!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

at 12:15

Today’s feature: Kathy Paysen

Reality art and Author poetry is the best description for Kathy’s wonderful expression. Words fall short!

(Article is still in redaction…)

Reality art and author poetry is the best description for Kathy’s wonderful expression. Words fall short!

A true American not only in heart, also in practicality and love of God, love of the other, dating all the way back to the creation of the US, is troubled by the economic crisis and the devastation of what is all going around in the world simultaneously.

All this is an inspiration and reason for her poetry. So are her memories of her youth, in a very special era, that she conveys with us with her reality poetry.

So are a lot of other typical American themes to be found in her poetry. She writes in true American without making it feel like that.

She brings to life the English language as never before with typical topics concerning America in times of economic hardship and love hardship especially, which usually go hand in hand and gives them a meaning, a meaning of love.

She brings God back to daily life as if he never had disappeared and the 20th century never had existed.

I think they are American classics, HER POEMS. She goes beyond poetry by her sheer reality. She is the embodiment of her poetry. Art is, as she expresses it.

Dear readers these poems are for everybody. They should be mandatory in every class room. You should read them on her poetry blog:

The US is at this moment in a severe economic crisis and she can feel it and she can WRITE!

Her poetry usually rhymes. Not in this one! This poem, I thought, though, is great for Ulysses V—the Gateway to the Staaaaaaars!


God's Axis, God's Gateway

Rose fire on meridians

Pulsing hearts scoping

Longitude into eternity

Latitude, self governed

God’s axis upon a tree

Two points intercepting

Right angles of infinity

Blossoming as the sun

Our nature into heaven

As stars of fixed night

Showing us the course

Singular visions budding

Into a galaxy of gardens

Lit blossoms for a quest

Born of an eternal flame

Bearers of the red rose

In, With, and Through

God’s gateway of love


July 2012, Kathy Paysen

Keywords: Inner and Outer Space Define Our Quest


The most gifted poetess in American English, dating all the way back to the creation of the US, ALSO wrote a letter to President Barack Obama. Don’t forget to read it on her poetry blog:

Or here! is not always reachable at the moment:

_-_-_-_- Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_

From Facebook :

Benoît added Zen to his activities.

“We are all called to lead. Separate justice from injustice. Seek to find the heart in others, and know that our God defines the love in our life. Be patient and kind, there is no other way to find amazing grace.” ~Kathy Paysen

“Spirituality is what makes society a better place. Let us all do our utmost that it doesn't vanish! God is awake in all of us. Together we can make our stay upon earth worthwhile.” ~Kathy PaysenA prayer to the Lord

Kathy Paysen shared a picture.God's door

B.A.D wrote“What a beautiful symbolism.”

"Kodak brings us God moments, snapshots of angels on earth." ~Kathy PaysenKodak brings us God moments, snapshots of angels on earth

B.A.D wrote“Great quote on photography!”

"When you are down to nothing ... God is up to something." Faith is the seed that will harvest all of God's needs. Be still and know that God is there.” ~Kathy PaysenBelieve

B.A.D wrote“Great Zen comment.”

"Looking for a miracle? Then make one happen for someone else. We are each other's miracles." ~Kathy PaysenLooking for a miracle?

B.A.D wrote“So true and a reminder!”

"We have so much to be grateful for. As we celebrate our nation's birth, be ever mindful of those that fight/fought for our freedoms." ~Kathy PaysenThere is little chance of me driving over a bomb today!

"To know the Earth, we must be of the Earth." ~Kathy Paysen
"To know the Earth, we must be of the Earth." ~ Kathy Paysen

B.A.D wrote”Such a universal and welcoming concept that it eventually cost them their heads! Thankfulness and balance, wisdom and peace! What now? What does the future hold for new and old Americans? Will the land ever be symbolically given back to the people for what it was created? Happiness and peace! No-nonsense thankfulness to God. A United States of the Planet!”

"It's not about how high you climb, it's about how far you fall. Word to the wise: Always have a reason to ascend and always have a reason to descend. The Roman Empire fell because no one cared where they were going!" ~Kathy PaysenThe Roman Empire fell because no one cared where they were going!

"Do you ever have awe moments? ... Those are God moments! ... Even in our most troubled times ... God will listen ... trust in God. All things are possible with God." ~Kathy PaysenTrust In God

B.A.D wrote”I love your insights and reminders. Pain is God, so is Joy!”

“Artifacts ... art ... the work of one God. Let the creative part of your brain do the thinking ... it knows how to get out of the box. Reach for the stars, they are in you.”Easter Island Art

“Blessed is this day, angels of our earth, winged messengers of God, bearing love's worth. Be mindful of angels, they lift us into each other's company.” ~Katy PaysenAngels

B.A.D wrote“I love your comments Kathy. They are truly inspiring and divine! You are a beautiful woman full of love and insights.”

“Smile ... just smile ... let it be your umbrella ... lifting you ... beyond your wildest dreams ... up ... up ... free!” ~Kathy Paysen

B.A.D wrote”Yoko is so great!”

“Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon ... up ... up ... and ... away?” ~Katy Paysen Balloon

B.A.D wrote”Away, away, far away above the skies into the Heavens.”

_-_-_-_-End of Facebook of the day-_-_-_-_
Map picture

That’s it for today folks. God Bless. darth ghost's ChirbitsThank you for this Blessed day!


| Old junk new junk | A Wake Up Synopsis | Goodmorning | Season 4 | Season 5 | True Romance | Season 7 | Movements of Paradise - Ladders from God | Facebook |